Saturday, November 27, 2021

I See Why So Few People Finished Jump Force's Story

Good afternoon everybody,

If you ever want to know what its like to slam your head into a brick wall, just go and play the story mode for Jump Force folks...

Now last night's stream ended up being all about Jump Force, and thankfully no game freezes or crashes on the X-Box One... there were a few rendering issues, such as Hancock's head being missing in a cut scene in Chapter 8... but the biggest problem with the story mode for Jump Force, aside from the loading times and reliance on cheap tactics towards the end... is the jobber fights.

Much like Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, Jump Force is a fun game that has some interesting mechanics... but the story mode gets bogged down to the repetitive nature of fighting the Venoms... the minions of the villains. I get it, you don't want the limited (at launch) characters constantly fighting one another, but considering the story line gimmick that replicas are being created by the villains, and you fight a handful of them in the middle chapters... that would have been a hell of a lot more preferable than facing randomly generated opponents that have some very wonky combinations of moves that could make some way over powered and others barley anything.

Then there is the other issue of the story mode, and that is the 'where the hell are they' factor when it comes to characters who were in the game at launch having little or no impact or involvement in the story. Two that spring to mind are Cell from Dragon Ball and Yugi from Yu-gi-oh. I get that you can't get screen time to everyone, but Cell isn't introduced until the back end of the story and you only have one direct fight with him.

Now yes, probably these are explored more in the side stories, but just because the side stories are there to add further color to the world of Jump Force, it doesn't excuse the fact that some characters got way too much screen... Frieza and Blackbeard in particular as the most prominent villains in the game that were franchise related . 

I stand by what I said before two weeks ago that if Jump Force was more of a action adventure that had a fighting game element included like Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1 and 2, then it would've done a lot better, because hell, people are still playing Xenoverse 2 to this day! Hell it would justify the constant battles against the Venoms much like how in the Xenoverse games facing the Sabiamen and Cell Juniors was reoccurring.

Also for those wondering how I beat the Keyman / Prometheous in Chapter 9... basically spammed B for grabbing and throwing him while dashing, rinse and repeat. 

I can safely say I will never replay the story mode of Jump Force ever again, the game does have some filler qualities in terms of chase-able achievements, particularly off-line. Hell ast he title says, less than 2.5% of X-Box players finished the story mode, and a lot of the other achievement that do-able but require grinding can be accomplished.... so don't be surprised if Jump Force pops up as filler on future streams! Actually come to think of it, we'll need to figure out what is going to replace Jump Force in the line up, since it's being regulated to filler... that will take some pondering!

Following the stream we sent the fun over to DaemonsW0lf who was playing Hunt: Showdown over at

Jump Force Achievements

  1. Replicas: Cleared Chapter 5
  2. The Twisted Entourage: Cleared Chapter 6.
  3. Ability Master: Obtained 50 or more abilities.
  4. Creation: Cleared Chapter 7.
  5. The Puppetmaster: Cleared Chapter 8.
  6. Darkness & Light: Cleared Chapter 9.
  7. Building an Army: Registered characters in all preset team slots.

Twitch Clip Links

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Straight Combo #2, Sway Back Combo and Hip Shape Focus Combo for 31 minutes and a estimated calorie burn of 454 kcal.

Someone posted a shaky cam bootleg video the final battle in Ghostbusters: Afterlife, safe to say it really makes me excited to see it... when it hits digital release (as well as DVD). 

My Final Fantasy XIV off-stream adventures were mostly focused on the additional Hildibrand side stories with not much done in the way of dungeons, raids and stuff as I found these comedy side-quest series to be a lot of fun! At the time of this posting, I'm about a quarter of the way into Even Further Hildibrand Adventures Quests, which is the most recent sent.

Of course for tonight's stream, I will be playing Final Fantasy XIV, and I'll most certainly be focused on Dungeons, Raids and Trials, as I don't want to dive further into the Main Story Quest until I fully wrapped up any 'featured' side stories I've missed that doesn't involve unlocking another 'class' within the game. Plus the big patch to prep the game for Endwalker is this week, so holding off on main story stuff seems logical

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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