Friday, October 1, 2021

Synthetic Lives Will Matter

Good morning everybody,

It's Friday, and considering the work assignment I've been on this week, I'm glad it is, let me tell ya!

Anyway last night we wrapped up our first play through of Detroit: Become Human, and we certainly screwed up a lot, as Conner got shut down, Luther and Alice Died but Kara was still alive and Markus got his moral victory through peaceful protest. Needless to say bad decision were made, but the great thing about a game like Detroit: Become Human is that there are multiple paths and we could jump back to make different choices. So it's safe to say this will be apart of next year's gaming tour.

Part of where I screwed up is accidentally progressing things with Conner that advanced the plot before I could check everything out, which meant a lot of things got skipped. With Markus, things kind of stayed pretty event, but with Kara, things really went wrong on the boat to Canada when the patrol boat came by wand Luther was killed while Alice was gravely wounded, I had Kara 'keep going', because I felt it would have been wasted effort if she died when she made to Canada... so I guess not giving the bus ticket back would have kept them alive.

Now let's adjust the elephant in the room which is the title of today's entry, because when you think about Detroit: Become Human did a better job of addressing the issues of racism and how fucking screwed up the Human race is. We are collectively a very ignorant, self-serving people who can't even treat each other with any dignity, and do you think we'd be able to when artificial life becomes a reality? The answer to that is a resounding no, we will not. Just look at the Black Lives Matter movement, conflict between those in 'superior' position and those who are oppressed is always inevitable. Yes, there are people who think like me and are open mind it with a live and let live, don't bother me I won't bother you attitude... but sadly, the reality is, there are more people in this world are so closed minded that tolerating them is becoming more and more difficult every day.

Which is why I'm so grateful my job has really settled into having folks work remotely... it keeps me from dealing with idiots in person.

Big thanks to Sw33ts_gaming ( for the re-sub and continued support  Sw33ts_Gaming plays a lot of Smite and has recently played It Takes Two, they are certainly good people! 

During the stream we had a big raid from redneckerthenyou who was playing Grand Theft Auto V before he brought his community over. I've known him for a while and he is a great guy! You can check out his content over at

Following the stream we sent the fun over to Zanerli at and he was playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey... and it was yet another reminder that I need to go play the games in that franchise.   

Detroit: Become Human Achievements

  1. JERICHO'S HERO: Markus got enough parts
  2. DOUBTS: The Tracis escaped
  3. A SMILE ON HER FACE: Alice enjoyed a ride on the merry-go-round
  4. NOTHING TO SEE HERE: Kara succeeded to make the cop go away
  5. SEND A MESSAGE: Markus conducted a pacifist riot
  6. KINSHIP: Connor refused to kill the Chloe
  7. STAND YOUR GROUND: Markus stood his ground against the police
  8. THIS IS MY STORY: Finish the game once
  9. MORAL VICTORY: Markus succeeded in making the soldiers stand back
  10. UNDEFEATED: Don't lose any fight before reaching the end

Twitch Clip Links

Yesterday we added three new additions to the collection, first was Marvel Super Heroes for the PSOne. This version is the Japan variant, which was nearly 1/3 of the cost of finding the North American version of the same game. This does mean I would have to use the modified PSOne to play it, but hey, I don't mind.... that's why we added it after all.

Next, we finally added the PSOne version of Marvel vs Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes EX Edition. As you recall, the last time I went searching for this game I was sent the Dreamcast version... which was great for collectors purposes, but as I stated before, the PSOne version of the first Marvel vs Capcom game had it's own unique build.

Lastly, we added Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions for the PlayStation 4 to the roster, making it the third game based around the Rocky franchise to be added. And while it is focused on the recent Creed films, I have the idea of maybe doing a Rocky 'legacy', where we feature the two PlayStation 2 era games (Rocky & Rocky Legends) as a way to build up anticipation for BRB:CC. Of course, I did notice that reviews for this were mediocre, but the good news is that it's achievements are focused more on actually playing it as an arcade styled fighting game which means we could have some fun with it.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 31 minutes with the following exercises: Weaving Combo #2, Straight Combo #1 and Beginner Combo #2. The estimated calorie burn was 475 kcal, and the one missed punched ended up being a jab while in the Southpaw stance. Achievement progress update, we're up to 294/300 days for the Ten Months Hard Work and Transcendent Stamper achievements  & 29/30 hours for the  Hiro's Contender achievement. That last one we should unlock tomorrow, while the first two should unlock on Thursday.

For tonight's stream, Life is Strange: True Colors returns with 'Wavelengths' the bonus episode which takes place before the events of the main game.Since I doubt it'll cover the entire stream, we'll end up doing some other things too! 

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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