Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A Clueless Bard Saves The Realm

Good morning everybody,

Well what we did last night certainly caught me by surprised as the entire stream was indeed dedicated To Final Fantasy XIV.

Since I've been play FF14 off-stream most days, I've certainly covered a lot of ground, and thus last night it was almost like a straight line to the end of the original campaign... I said almost because there we were starting from Reclamation and we finished with The Ultimate Weapon, these were basically level 44 to level 50 quests in the Main Story, and I was level 55, so I was basically above what I needed to be for it.

I have to admit I did enjoy everything involved with the rescue of Minfilia and the other Scions, which had a real nice build up of scouting the area, getting the disguises and other items necessary to mount a rescue, but once that was done things certainly picked up quick in terms of a rapid escalation of the villains plot bringing things to a rather satisfying conclusion of the original story.

I will also admit I had trouble keeping up during Castrum Meridanium and Praetorium, for a new player to it, not having a clue of where to go and trying to follow the other players was rather tough, resulting in me getting lost and killed a couple of times, That said I did enjoy the boss battles, and the cut scenes were rather epic. In fact if it wasn't for the cut scenes I would have probably not been able to be apart of any the fun!

Have to again give credit to Kalenal ( for suggesting I go Archer / Bard since for the most part, I do stay out of trouble when I have to group with others in FF14 and can hold my own by running and shooting arrows!

I will of course continue to play Final Fantasy XIV mostly off-stream, but whenever there is a gap in the line up I'll work it in for a night of campaign stuff. Who knows how far along I'll be by the next time FF14 finds itself being featured!

Following the stream we sent the fun over to Joliet4 who was doing a live music stream over at!

Twitch Clip Links

I know there are achievements for Final Fantasy XIV, but I don't know where there is an easy way outside of the game to see the list of what I've managed to complete like with other games

Started progress for the Zarya skin which is the reward for week two of Overwatch's Halloween Terror 2021, mostly using Mystery Heroes because those matches end up being really quick. 

Work was kind of blah yesterday as it was mostly a case of waiting for connects, goes to show how dry the job can be when most people work the mornings to early afternoons. I could make that switch myself... but that means working out after lunch.... who knows maybe we'll give that a shot someday.

Speaking of which, today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 31 minutes with the following exercises Advance Combo #2, Left-Right Step Combo & Double Combo #2 for an estimated calorie burn of  As you can tell by the screen shot my timing was a bit off with the number of OK actions performed.

For tonight's stream Iceman will be joining the fun around 9 PM as we'll be starting up Gears of War Judgement! But since the stream starts before then, I'll mess around with a few other things... probably try getting an achievement in Super Puzzle Fighter II HD Remix by beating it on Hard difficulty? It's possible.

Anyway we'll see you later over on

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