Thursday, September 23, 2021

When It Comes To War The Gears Are Not Paladins

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream featured two games, Paladins and Gears of War 3... and it turns out, that I probably could've just featured the later game. But we'll get to that.

First lets talk about Paladins, and if it wasn't for the fact that I played Street Fighter Alpha: Warrior's Dreams the previous night, then last night would have featured Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, as I suspect there would have been a lot of people playing online to get their hands on Adam: The Black Ninja Ranger who was just added to the game this week.

So how did Paladins go? Well considering the survey Hi Rez sent out regarding the game, not so good as the match making and keeping things fair and balance is impossible with Paladins, there is such an uneven field of play, people going AFK or leaving the matches continues to be a major issue. Hell console play only is virtually dead, and I believe if it wasn't for Cross-Play, Hi Rez would be force to shut the game down on the console side of things. 

Now lets talk about the matches, the fact that people are always reluctant to play Tank or Support still boggles my mind, and needless to say the mentality of being focused on the objective in Overwatch certainly is not a trait that serves me well in Paladins considering how a lot of folks hate going to the point. In the matches I played tank, I could count on one hand the number of times I had any back up when it came to clearing it off. When I played support, things went better because I was doing what a support should do and shadow the tank(s). Of course I did intentionally play one match as a damage player, and sure I died a lot but I I had 41 eliminations as Lian.

Big thanks to LvStrkr for tagging in and playing a few matches as well, because at least then I had one less random to deal with as it put it.

Around 9 PM we switched over to Gears of War 3 to continue what we started with Iceman7667 the previous week, and we covered a lot of ground. Choosing not to be worried about collectables, we cleared Acts II and III in just under three hours, which means we saw the end of Dom. The foreshadowing on Dom's heroic sacrifice was pretty obvious when you reach his wife's grave at the end of Act III, how he leaves his dog-tags on the angel, how he gives Marcus a knife but doesn't take it back. You talk about a guy who knows that the end is near for him, it was all there.

That said, the journey through Acts II and III were a lot of fun, as the variety of the different enemies certainly makes for fun encounters and different challenges. Good think we're playing this on Casual, because on insane I could imagine just how horrific it can be. Rather enjoyed the 'Spider' mother boss encounter was quite interesting in how it was laid out in different waves after taking out each of it's four eyes one at a time.

Of course probably the highlight was reaching the point in game where infamous Iceman along with FnDanteSavage and PwrThumbz reached where a lot of the ribbing on Thumbz about being the difficulty setting was set... as Iceman tells it they got stuck in one spot for hours on end.... and yet we cleared it in 5 minutes.

I mentioned earlier I could have played Gears of War 3 the entire, and that's because I discovered people are still playing the Horde mode! Maybe next time Iceman and I continue, I could spend the first chunk of the stream playing that, and seeing how far I can go with random (and more experienced) people who are clearly grinding for some of the more long term achievements of the game!

After the stream, we sent the fun over to LifewithStan at who was playing Cyberpunk 2077, he's a good dude who streams from the West Coast, so if you're looking for a late night streamer on the East Coast, he's one to check out!

Gears of War 3 Achievements

  1. Okay, Now We Find Hoffman: Discovered the location of Adam Fenix.
  2. Oh Yeah, It's Pirate Time: Grabbed a Locust Gas Barge to travel to Anvil Gate.
  3. Thanks For Flying GasBag Airways: Arrived safely, kinda, at Anvil Gate.
  4. Anvil Gate's Last Resort: Defended Anvil Gate from the Locust siege.
  5. Was it Good For You?: Defeated the Lambent Berserker.
  6. Lost Your Good Driver Discount: Drove from Anvil Gate to Mercy.
  7. Pack Rat: Recovered 20 of 42 Collectibles.
  8. Brothers to the End: Found and activated the fuel pump.

Twitch Clip Links

During the stream... well at the very start, I had a delivery from Amazon, as we picked up Volume 1 and 2 of "Fables: The Wolf Among Us" which is the comic book adaptation of the game we played last week, and just flipping through it I see quite a few differences from how events played out based on my choices in the game. Looking forward to reading it! 

Work was kind of interesting yesterday, as I was working on a research effort regarding a proposal in a Southern State regarding casinos, and it's always interesting to talk to people about something not related to a major office. Granted, Trump supporters only can think about Trump and care about nothing else, so that part kind of sucks. You'd be surprise at how many people favor 'fair competition' when it comes to dealing with the casinos operated by Native American tribes. 

Made some good progress on recreated the old fics based on Chrono Cross that I remember reading back in the early 2000s, the first few chapters are up over on HF under my DiceCasden pen name.

Looking a head to October's game being more 'horror' related, I do know Until Dawn and The Walking Dead games are stuff I'm heavily considering, plus Ghostbusters and maybe Resident Evil 2 Remake. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout lasted 34 minutes and featured Difficult Challenge Comb #2, Difficult Challenge Combo #1 and Difficult Challenge Combo #3 in that order. Managed to get a perfect score on Difficult Challenge Combo #3. The estimate Calorie burn was 627 kcal.

For tonight's stream I'm leaning toward Tales From The Borderlands, and if we do go that route, we'll probably handle it the same how we did The Wolf Among Us last week, doing three episodes tonight and two tomorrow with something paired with it on the back end. I may end up doing something else, we shall see, who knows!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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