Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Return of Life is Strange 2

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night's stream saw the start up of Life is Strange 2... and yes it's not the first time I've played it, as I played the Steam version back when the game's 5 episodes were originally released a couple of years ago and unlike the first Life is Strange game and Before The Storm, I wasn't too keen on play LIS2 again..

The first thing I wanted to touch on is the fact that the developers of Life is Strange 2, DONTNOD, didn't even want to make a sequel to Life is Strange... and boy does it show from the very start, with how they went out above and beyond in shoehorning in every possible political reference they could think of into it. Some of it can be avoided, but a lot of it thrown right into the face of the player.... and needless to say, it's one of the biggest reasons why have such mixed opinions on it. You see what made the original game, the prequel (Before the Storm) and the latest entry (True Colors) great and memorable is the fact the story and characters came first and any other references and commentary on society was no where near a priority to shove down players throats. Folks can find something to love about the other three games to great animations, artwork, fan fiction and more.... while Life is Strange 2 is basically the bastard child of the franchise.

Then there comes the problem of the main characters, Sean and Daniel... neither are particularly likeable, in fact Daniel can be down right insufferable at time.... while Sean is just a wet blanket. The choices you make as him to try and make the best out of a crazy situation never truly seem to matter because unlike the other three games where the it feels like every plot points you reach seems natural because of the choices you make, in Life is Strange 2 the story feels like its happening despite anything you do or don't do.

That said, for this play through we are trying to go for a fully 'moral' story to get Daniel to be a 'good kid' and less of a brat, and the ending with Cassidy, because I already screwed up going for the Lyla variant of the Redemption ending. We knocked out episodes 1 and 2, getting all the achievements for each one, and so the goal for tonight's stream is to get episodes 3 and 4 done. There is no chance we'll be able to tackle episode 5 until Monday's stream.

After the stream ended we sent the fun over to ErikaMonky ( who was playing Sid Meier's Civilization VI. That is a game I seriously need to dedicate a couple of nights too because I've been meaning to play it but I keep putting it off. Anyway, we met ErikaMonky during the Twitch Sings era, and she super cool. She doesn't stream often, but you are guaranteed to enjoy her broadcasts!

Life is Strange 2 Achievements

  1. Sketchy: Start any drawing in Episode 1
  2. Sidetracked: Find optional collectible #1 in Episode 1
  3. Bear Aware: Find optional collectible #2 in Episode 1
  4. Bonus Miles: Find optional collectible #3 in Episode 1
  5. Ranger: Find optional collectible #4 in Episode 1
  6. Room Service: Find optional collectible #6 in Episode 1
  7. A Long Road Ahead: Finish Episode 1
  8. Trail Angel: Find optional collectible #5 in Episode 1
  9. Dillydallying: Find all optional collectibles in Episode 1
  10. Back in Time: Find optional collectible #1 in Episode 2
  11. Draw the line: Start any drawing in Episode 2
  12. Family Business: Find optional collectible #2 in Episode 2
  13. Bad Santa: Find optional collectible #3 in Episode 2
  14. Heirloom: Find optional collectible #4 in Episode 2
  15. Teenage Angst: Find optional collectible #5 in Episode 2
  16. A Private Journey: Find all optional collectibles in Episode 2
  17. Small Town Blues: Find optional collectible #6 in Episode 2
  18. Free Spirits: Finish Episode 2

You might notice on the achievement list that the order for the ones for episode 1 seem weird, that's because we got the last two achievements after finishing the episode, using the collectors mode.

Also, I completely forgot "The Adventures of Captain Spirit' mini-sode, which was the 'demo' / teaser for Life is Strange 2 was a thing, which gives the backstory of Chris and this father to put their entire situation in episode 2 into its proper context... but it wasn't completely worth diving into on stream since all it really does is determine if Chris is wearing eye-paint in the main game.

Twitch Clip Links

Work itself was kind of odd yesterday afternoon, mostly because of how my assignment changed just minutes before I was about to start... don't get me wrong, having to do a straight up normal raw research study is much more preferable than trying to get through gate keepers to reach extremely busy professionals... but that meant the sample size was going to be a lot smaller. 

Did pick up The Artful Escape, so we'll do a stream featuring that in the near future, probably next Saturday night

Messed around a bit with Smule, and boy do I wish it had a PC version because i wouldn't mind subscribing to it to be able to do open seeds on so many songs!

Overwatch Season 30 Competitive Match Results 

  1. - Watchpoint: Gibraltar - 9:30 - Loss - 0-3
  2. - Numbani - 16:03 - Win - 3-2
  3. - Hanamura - 10:00 - Loss - 1-2

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout featured Body Straight Combo, Triple Combo #1 and Uppercut Combo #1 with total time length of 31 minutes and a estimated calorie burn of 429 kcal

For tonight's stream, as indicated earlier we'll be continuing Life is Strange 2 with episode 3 and 4, with the intention of locking in Cassidy as Sean's love interest. Hopefully we can get all the right choices done to make sure we get the desired ending of the entire game.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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