Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Colors Were Indeed True In A Life That Is Strange

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night we finished Life is Strange True Colors and I love the finish of the game, as it really does feel like all the choice actually mattered in the outcome of the game. Anyway this will contain SPOILERS!

Episode 4 begins on the Spring Festival, and it's a fun little out door party with a handful collectables, as well as where you can fully lock in your love for Steph (or Ryan). There is a really sweet scene with Duckie in the Black Lantern, along with some things that are very easy to miss (such as Riley at the Bus Stop, which I didn't know about until after the chapter ended). Episode 4 is also where Jed being the true villain of the game is revealed when he tries to kill Alex.

Episode 5, sees a deep diva into Alex's past, the last time she spoke to her mother, the day her father left and her time shuffling through the system once she was taken in by CPS. A lot of it is real heart-twisting stuff, and pretty deep, including a real kick in the teeth of how fucking awful the actual mentality of a lot of people who say they want to adopt a child really is. You learn about the actual fate of Alex's father plus make some huge decisions regarding Jed, plus Alex's future.

Now when I said before that choice actually mattered, so depending on how you interact with key people (Duckie, Charlotte, Eleanore and Pike) can determine of if they side with Alex or not in Episode 5 for it's climax. Basically your actions really matter with them in key moments, in fact Charlotte's big moment is in Episode 3. Also depending on your love interest, Alex will be given a choice of to stay or leave Haven Springs, and there is a different ending on each.

There is another episode 'Wavelengths' coming out towards the end of the month / start of October, so we're certainly streaming that. And we'll probably work in Life is Strange 2 in between, depending on what major game I choose to start up

Following the stream we sent the fun over to Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV online! You can check their streams out over on!  

And yes I'm still debating on if I'll give FF14 a try lol

Life is Strange: True Colors Achievements (Earned on Stream)

  1. Pressed Rose: Find the “Pressed Rose” Memory in Chapter 4
  2. Count Me In: Find the “Drum Kit” Memory in Chapter 4
  3. Exactly 731: Help the Jelly Bean Counter win the contest
  4. In Front of God and Everybody: Find the “Microphone” Memory in Chapter 4
  5. Birthday Boy: Find the “Polaroid” Memory in Chapter 4
  6. The Kind of Thing You Can't Undo: Complete Chapter 4 of Life is Strange: True Colors
  7. Scary News: Find the “Mom's Keys” Memory in Chapter 5
  8. Some Kind of Fight: Find the “Business Card” Memory in Chapter 5
  9. Guitar Strings: Find the “Guitar Strings” Memory in Chapter 5
  10. Where The Devil Sleeps: Find the “Pendant” Memory in Chapter 5
  11. You're a Helldiver Now: Find the “Bomber Jacket” Memory in Chapter 5
  12. Emotional Unearthing: Find all Memory Collectibles in Chapter 5
  13. The Only Promise is The Adventure: Complete Chapter 5 of Life is Strange: True Colors 

Twitch Clip Links

Like the other Life is Strange games it is possible to go back to each chapter of Life is Strage: True Colors to find the collectables missed, and that's what I did earlier this morning.

Life is Strange: True Colors Achievements (Earned off stream) 

  1. Crack: Find the “Crack” Memory in Chapter 1 
  2. Officer Fish: Find the “Business Card” Memory in Chapter 1 
  3. Emotional Enthusiast: Find all Memory Collectibles in Chapter 1 
  4. Phone: Find the “Phone” Memory in Chapter 1 
  5. Team Chomp-Bot: Find the “T-Shirt” Memory in Chapter 2 
  6. Amateur Archaeophile: Find all Memory Collectibles in Chapter 2 
  7. Emotional Archeologist: Find all Memory Collectibles in Chapter 4 
  8. Haven Historian: Find all Memory Collectibles in Life is Strange: True Colors 
  9. Proud Parent: Find the “CIT Sticker” Memory in Chapter 4

With those final nine achievements, we have 100% completed Life is Strange: True Colors. 

It's Sunday which means, we have this weeks Twitch Bits video! This week we have clips from Overwatch, Life is Strange Before The Storm, Street Fighter V, WWE Battlegrounds, RWBY Grimm Eclipse, Mario Golf Super Rush & Life is Strange: Before The Storm!

I am debating what would be the next big game I'll start up, I'm leaning towards Final Fantasy VII Remake and Tales of Arise, but there are certainly other contenders depending on if I want to pad the games finished list list with a lot of short games (the current total is 41)

As the Phillies flounder, I do have to wonder should Bryce Harper be heavily considered for the MVP on the National League... and my gut, heart and brain all say no. If they don't win the Division, he should not win the MVP or even be in the conversation regardless of what his stats say.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout lasted 33 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 644 kcal. The exercises were Difficult Challenge Combos #2, #3 and #1 in that order. Managed to get another perfect score on DCC #1. I do have some issues with Difficult Challenge Combo #2 which involves a step & jab followed by a quick step back, and with my heavy footed stance it ends up turning into half-step jab with an awkward sway back.

For tonight's stream, well it's obvious folks, we're starting a new week and so we're playing Overwatch! 

So on that note we'll see you tonight over on!

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