Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Is Rose Going To Be The Most Important Character in Street Fighter VI?

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream did start 'on time', only because an expected work assignment was cancelled, so it looks like tonight's stream may have that same uncertain 'start time', as I told my job I will be available fairly deep into the evening.

Anyway, what we did last night was go through every single character story in Street Fighter V, and while nearly all the initial characters from the game's release tie into one another to various degrees, but it's when I got into the 'DLC' characters where I started to ponder, particularly when it came to things involving G and Rose. Rose is drawn to face G after using Tarot Cards that labeled him 'The Fool', but the battle has her realize that the world is heading to its in, later when she is meeting with Oro, she wonders if things could be changed, if her younger-self could learn of what's to come it could lead to things being done different and that they had to get back to 'Zero'... hell her story is called 'Back to Alpha'. So this has me thinking the obvious.

Is Capcom Going To Use "Time Travel" In Street Fighter VI?

And I put 'Time Travel" in quotes, because actually going back in time isn't totally necessary given Rose's soul power and psychic abilities, all that would be required is her sending some sort of message to herself. It's a stretch, but it certainly an option considering all the seeds of an Armageddon plot being set considering that time line wise, Street Fighter VI is basically reaching the point of the events of Street Fighter III where Gill and the Secret Society was basically looking for 'subjects' to repopulate the world. So basically, Rose becomes Raiden from Mortal Kombat IX. And considering the questions I have about G and all the talk about Bison's Psycho power it just makes me think Rose is going to be the most important character in the next game.

Or course, there is the chestnut Oro says to Dhalsim about a pure warrior being the one to possibly be the one to save the world, and that basically is Ryu considering his character journey over the decades. So there's that clearly obvious path Capcom is going to go down.

Anyway, going through all the character stories you could tell who they had a lot of ideas for and who they didn't... as E.Honda's story was basically him 'beating the rules of the bathhouse into the skulls of Laura, Rashid and Ryu', and Abigail's was just him wondering where his car was. Then you have the grand interconnected stories that see all the Final Fight characters (Cody, Poison, Abigail, Lucia) crossing paths, along with things like the continued odd association of Sakura, Blanka and Dan which was humorous. 

Since we ere going through every characters' story, that meant we got to play as everyone, and I was pleased with how nearly every character felt 'pick up and play' in terms of being able to figure out some stuff fairly quick. Some character felt very awkward, in particular Necali, then you had the obvious filler of characters like 'Kage' whose only purpose seems to just further the fact Ryu is going to obviously save the world in Street Fighter VI.

Also... Birdie seemed to be universal punching bag, I mean seriously, I know he's a comic relief character in the general story of SFV, but I believe he gets beaten up by the majority of the default 16 characters.

Something that I did observe when it comes to a log of the dialog in the characters stories, you could replace the word 'fight' with the word 'fuck' and everything would still make sense.

One last observation, something that did surprise me about the character stories is how uneven it was, it took 6 hours to finish, with characters having anywhere from 1 to 5 fights to complete depending on their story. The average I believe was 2 to 3, but it certainly meant getting into a groove of going from story to story a bit uneven.

There is a question of when will I do another Street Fighter V stream and for sure after Luke debuts to see his story, but there are the various arcade endings to get for the characters considering how the arcade mode is set up.. So we'll see what ends up happening. Maybe some nights of doing ranked matches too.

Anyway we didn't do a raid last night, instead we hosted Maximilian_DOOD  ( who is f the largest streamers I follow, he was featuring X-Men: Children of the Atom and Marvel Super Heroes.

Street Fighter V Achievements

  1. Quantity Over Quality: Level up 5 characters! Up to level 5 should do the trick. When it comes to food and fightin', it's quantity over quality, mate.
  2. Lucky We Met!: Whoa, I'm really mixing it with the celebrities here! C'mon, Rashid, you're the Raging Storm! Get out there and finish 5 Character Stories!
  3. Vindicated Honor: Raise your player level to 50. Level up that much and you'll be about ready to exact you revenge.
  4. Burning Spirit: Your player level is a reflection of your passion! Aim for the stars, and reach level 100!
  5. No Rest For The Wicked: Your stats are as pitiful as your strength, maggot! Come back when you've raised all characters to level 5.
  6. The 16 Trials: So you wish to learn Yoga? If that is truly the case, then first you must complete the Character Story with all characters. There is great merit in walking each of their individual paths.
  7. Number 2 Is The New Number 1: Niiihehe! 2, 20, 200! Such a glorious sound, I could say it twice more! 200! Raise you player level to 200! I already have, niiihehe!

Twitch Clip Links

We managed to track down a copy of Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix for the PlayStation, which is a tough game to find in the United States (but it's fairly common in Europe). It does need a custom case made for it, so I'll check and see what has listed, because I need a case for the PS3 versions of Assassin's Creed: Black Flag and BioShock Infinite as well. 

Did some more organizing of DVDs and such... got basically all my anime DVDs put together, but going through my collection I feel as though I'm missing quite a few. It's probably just me over thinking considering I'm looking to have every DVD I have available to do watch-parties in my Discord. Anyway, I might put puts on one bookshelf (shocker) to free up shelf space on the one most people have seen on camera.

Overwatch has re-released the prior years All-Star skins, which meant I was able to grab the 2018 Pacific All-Stars Skin for Genji and the 2019 Pacific All-Stars skin for Lucio. Also made sure to grab every remaining Overwatch League team skin for to complete that set... guess the next ones to gradually work on would Ana I guess.  

Overwatch Season 30 Competitive Results (Tank)

  1. - Route 66 - 13:01 - Win - 3-0
  2. - Nepal 00:25 - Tie - 0-0 - (Match thrown out)
  3. - King's Row - 14:32 - Win 3-2

So far this Season I have played 14 matches, winning 11 and losing 3, averaging 28.29 Elimination per 10 minutes with an average of 4.29 deaths per 10 minutes. 

We added Teen Titans for the PlayStation 2 to the collection today, and I was very much unaware that the animated series that made the ships of Robin/Starfire, Beast Boy/Raven, Cyborg/Jynx and so many more main stream in the 2000s had a game based on it. I should not be surprised but I am.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 472 kcal. The exercises for today were Weaving Combo #1, Intermediate Combo #2 and Advanced Combo #1. As you can tell by the screen shot, today was a flawless session, every thing registered as perfect. Very rare when that happens.

For tonight's stream, I'm not sure what we'll be doing, let alone a start time, but I'll keep folks posted in the Discord and on Twitter (

Regardless, we'll see you later over on!

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