Monday, September 20, 2021

A Nice Night Of Overwatch

Good morning everybody

Last night's stream started early, mostly because I only had a little bit of laundry to do. Yes I know, I KNOW, I don't leave the house, how could I have much laundry to do, Well since I stream every day, it means I''m nearly  nearly fully dressed every day. So there ya go.

Anyway, we played a lot of Overwatch last night, big thanks to PandaSweet for joining in on the fun as we played a lot of Tank and Support as usual before getting in a couple of matches in the Damage Roles. In our last 10 matches, we ended up on a stretch going 7 & 3. I picked up two Plays of the Game as D.Va as well, and its safe to say that D.Va has the majority of my Plays of the Game clips for 2021. Other characters used include Moira, Tracer, Mei and Reinhardt.

Also, during the stream changed the look of the game screen to flip some things around, this is the make the Bit Boss bar stand out a bit more.

As noted yesterday, I'm not going to keep track of the wins and losses for each match played, it doesn't tell the complete picture of how some matches went. Still I should find a way to post updates on how the Ranked stuff is going, maybe starting next week we'll have a like a stat line for how the season is progressing with my Wins, Losses and other stats. Who knows.

Following the stream, we sent the fun over to Sw33ts_gaming who was playing Dead By Daylight over on! One thing I noticed is that Sweets certainly has shot calling down in DBD just like she does in Smite!  

I can't remember the last time I played Dead By Daylight, I want to say it was in the Fall of 2019... but I'm not 100% sure. 

Twitch Clip Links

Found the manual I thought I lost a few months back for WWF War Zone, thought it was misplaced when I was going through my dad's music. And get this... I found one more box of his music to go through... which means I got to order at least one or two more big binders for music.

Some people can't believe that anyone doesn't hold the original Final Fantasy VII in high regard, and my feelings towards it has been known since it's on that very short list of games I started streaming that I said to hell with it because I just was not enjoying it. The other two are Dead Space and Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. I typically finish every game I play, particularly when I'm streaming it, so it takes a lot for a game to make go go 'Fuck it, I'm not going to continue'. In the case of FF7, I found it to be a clunky mess in terms of navigating and figuring out what to do and where to go.

I'm not surprised that the Phillies failed to beat the Mets last night... after all, this team has been falling short all season. Now they have three games against the lowly Baltimore Orioles, and if they can't sweep them, then the Phillies season is done, because all the remaining games afterward are on the road... and the Phillies suck on the road.

Tried to do some achievement chasing last night, going after the 'Fighting in the Street' achievement in Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection which involves beating the original Street Fighter...which is incredible difficult considering the terrible input lag that exists. Still the collection does have 'save states' and I have made it to Adon, so I'll continue work on this

I've been asked if I'm going to re-start up some old Fan Fiction series or do commissions on stories again... well I have done a couple of light commission work this year, but it really comes down me liking an idea enough to want to write it and be paid for it.

I'm supposed to have a Dentist appointment this afternoon... and yet I have a nagging feeling the appointment wasn't made... I'm not sure if the Dentist I saw last Monday put it in the system or was I supposed to speak to the person at the front desk when I left. I did call this morning and they don't have it in the system, but since I have the documentation that the Dentist gave me, I wast told to bring that in.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 31 minutes, and featured the following exercises: Beginner Combo #2, Weaving Combo #2 and Straight Combo #1. The estimated calorie burn was455 kcal

For tonight's stream we will be wrapping up Life is Strange 2, which should only take about 2.5 to 3 hours so we'll combine it with something else. I'll try and find something nice to say about LIS2

And on that note we'll see you later tonight over on!

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