Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Today's Notes 8/4/21: From The Viper Manor To The Hydra In The Marshes

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream of Chrono Cross saw us resume the journey in Viper Manor, and dealing with stuff involved with getting around it, getting ambushed by the same enemies a few times and dealing with boss battle after boss battle as we took everything up to the Hyrda in the Marshes in the 'Home World'.... I think we went through 7 boss battles. But oddly enough the longest battles were against the Beebas who pull in their buddies to help out and who seem to attack every two actions, which just draws things out.

Of course it may not seem like I got a lot done, remember I am reading every bit of dialog, and there was some... issues with me remembering to strip the equipment of party members I'm not using. We did pick up a handful of new companions... Greco, Luccia and Razzly. We would've picked up NeoFio but I missed someone in Guldove that would make getting through the Marshes easier, but we can get that on Monday's stream.

And you can probably tell we're going the save 'Kid' route with all the things I'm referencing, but considering how much of a magical power house Razzly can be against Yellow-inante enemies it seemed logical to me!

We do have plenty of clips from last night for you to check out and enjoy!

The Wayne Brady clip was from the 'Check The News' segment, which is something people can redeem on my channel, I'll look at news and react to it... and since Brady was in the news with someone messing with him, i just had me talking about it.

SO a bit of real work stuff: speaking with people yesterday about one of the proposals in President Biden's Build Back Better Plan... namely the issue of providing 400 Billion dollar to expand home care, so in this study, I'm having to read the arguments both sides are saying in support or opposition to this proposal... and the common answer is that neither side is very convincing.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 28 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 420 kcal, and we did do a little extra today, so the total was 34 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 521 kcal. It was surprisingly cool this morning and it felt tougher to get a good sweat going... normally my waist trainer belt would be drenched with sweat with a session like this... but not today it seems. We are now up to 61 out of 100 for the Karen's Best Friend achievement.

For tonight's stream we will do The Division around 9 PM / 9 30 PM Eastern with Iceman as we continue to work on whatever achievements we can, but before that we'll mess around with other things on the Xbox One. The stream itself will start around 6:30 PM Eastern.


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