Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Today's Notes 8/11/21: Whoa We're Half Way There

 Good morning everybody,

As ya'll may (or may not) know, I work in market research, and over time I've seen a lot of things change in out surveys are presented, but something surprised me yesterday. For the first time, I saw a survey where the pronouns used to the describe a candidate running for an elected position this fall were 'Their' and 'They'. It really struck a cord with me, because I often would use 'him'&  'he' or 'she' & 'her' along with 'their' and 'they' almost interchangeably when I'm talking about someone, depending on who I was talking about...but to see the those running for political office are starting to embrace the variety of ways of how pronouns can be applied to them, to me, is very cool.

Anyway, on to last night stream of Chrono Cross where we tackled Mount Pyre and Fort Dragonia, which meant we had a bunch of boss battles to deal with and spent a lot of time shuffling elements around to make sure I had the best match ups possible even if I wasn't swapping party members. In fact, with the exception of Greco at the start of the night, it was Kid and Leena backing up Serge... with Leena more often than not getting the final hit in every battle. With the strategy guide on hand we were able to properly set up for every boss encounter to the point of over kill in some cases.

There were a couple of encounters I was worried about the Sonofagun was as much of a pain in the ass now as it was 20 years ago, but the back to back fights between General Viper and Lynx, because if I built for one that meant the other fight would be a lot tougher than it expected. What I did was basically loaded up every green and white element I had on Serge, Kid and Leena with the hope I could overwhelm both before the A.I. started dealing out their heavy attacks, and it pretty much worked.

I do love how all of the foreshadowing comes to a head at the half-way point of the story, where Serge and Lynx swap bodies, and everything that happened was predetermined.... with one exception. You see at the start of the game, it was Van who was with Serge and Kid, not Leena. Hell Van can even be recruited until the second half of the game! Anyway, we'll continue Chrono Cross on Monday night!

But of course we do have clips for you to check out...

Yesterday in the mail, we added South Park, the first person shooter for the original PlayStation to the collection, and I now have the idea of maybe doing a Friday night stream where we play both of the South Park games I managed to track down. If I can find Chef's Love Shack then it would be a South Park showcase! 

Off-stream gaming, I went ahead and did the 'unlocking' of the Crossover stuff for Paladins involving gen:Lock in addition to clearing out the requirements to unlock all the basic stuff for Smite involving Stranger Things, just to make sure I have the skins available in case I want to feature either game. 

I also, briefly, checked out WWE Battlegrounds, and it really is the spiritual successor to WWE All-Stars in terms of how it feels to play, but the bull-shit way one has to unlock a lot of the characters certainly was frustrating and it's no wonder I didn't have this game as a priority to look into for a while. It does have a campaign mode, so we could do with it what we did with WWE 2K20 last year and stumble our way through it. 

WWE Battlegrounds Achievement

  1.  I won!: Performed a pin successfully

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily workout lasted 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 532 kcal. The exercises for today were Triple Combo #2, Intermediate Combo #1 and the Biceps Shape Focus Combo. We are now up to 78 out of 100 for the Karen's Best Friend achievement.

For tonight's stream the plan is to do more things with The Division after 9 PM Eastern for the second half of the stream with Iceman, but for the first half... I'm not totally sure, but we'll mess around with something fun! 

And on that note we'll see you later tonight over on!

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