Friday, July 9, 2021

Today's Notes 7/8/21: Well I've Never Played That Before

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream lead off with Star Trek Online, and involved having to set up a new ship for Sorra (my Cardassian in the Klingon Empire), since one of the 'fun' things to do with STO is to master the Tier 6 vessels to unlock perks and traits that could augment a number of different factors. This also involved having to find Tetryon weapons for the endeavor quest which meant having to go to the exchange to find some decent gear, needless to say having to use way to many Energy Credits to outfit the ship with the necessary gear. Still the endeavor quests weren't too bad, destroy Voth vessels within the Dyston Sphere, do an Academy Lore quest, do a certain amount of Tetryon damage in space and defeating Tholians on the ground, We do have a few clips from that portion of the stream.

Twitch Clip: We're just tearing it apart

Twitch Clip: Come here you!

Twitch Clip: Can You Dig It!

Once the Star Trek Online portion was done, our attention turned to some of the older PlayStation games we've recently added, and for the first time I've played Tekken. I've never played the original game in that franchise, not even when it was in the arcades back in the 90s, so this was a first for me. Couple of things stand out to me, the first being how slow it is when compared to Tekken 3. The original Tekken comes across as wanting to be like Virtua Fighter, but without any of the charm. It's surprisingly difficult as well and the COM opponents can be real cheap with readying inputs, even when reducing the difficulty from Normal to Easy. On the plus side the ending cut scene for Nina was oddly hilarious. Here are some clips.

Twitch Clip: Defeating Law!

Twitch Clip: I'm not sure how I did that!

Twitch Clip: Nina Williams: Badly Dubbed Ending

A game that great surprised me with how it played was Dead or Alive. Prior to last night I've only played DOA-5 on Steam a couple of years ago, so to play the PlayStaiton version of the first game of the series shocked me with how quickly it loaded, how good it looked, how fast the action was and how it was just an overall great game. Sure you can tell it's a game that is well over 20 years old, but the game play mechanics hold up and the difficulty curve for the 'Tournament' mode isn't unfair. Yes Bayman can be real cheap as I learned, but it wasn't frustrating as I could understand how I lost and learned to overcome my mistakes to progress! Cleared the 'Tournament' mode with TIna, and while I'm glad we unlocked an alternate costume, I'm surprised there was no character ending. Anyway, here are some the links to clips from that part of the stream

Twitch Clip: An Explosive End

Twitch Clip: Getting wrecked by Bayman!

Twitch Clip: Defeating Raidou!

We closed out the stream with The Simpsons Wrestling... this is a game I played back when it came out, and I will admit I did traded it in... so finding a copy in 2021 amused me. It took me a while to remember how to play, and once I did, I feel into a good groove of getting racking up a series of wins... all the way up to getting my butt handed to me by Smithers and Mr. Burns. This game has a unique tournament mode as you get to save after every match and you gradually unlock the hidden characters (we managed to unlock Bumblebee Man last night). Now this is still a terrible game, but once I remembered the ins and out of the power ups, the taunts and so forth it wasn't that bad a time.

Twitch Clip: We'll just smother him!

Twitch Clip: Pinning Barney!

Twitch Clip: Losing To Smithers

Last night's was so much fun with the se different old games, we'll probably do a similar night next week to try out older stuff!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session lasted 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 483 kcal. Didn't do anything extra today as I felt a little sluggish getting the day started (mostly due to tossing and turning last night). We're up to 50 out of 100 for the Evan's Best Friend achievement.

For tonight's stream we're back to playing God of War on the PlayStation 4, and we'll probably spend a lot of time roaming around to do side quests since we got a good portion of the Lake of Nine to open up last week.

And on that note we'll see you later over on!

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