Friday, July 2, 2021

Space, Pokemon and Weird Decisions By Logitech!

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream, we lead off with Star Trek Online and tackled the endeavor quests, which actually saw a big focus on the Lukari task force operations, having to complete three of them on Advance difficulty or higher... which meant we had to be stuck in a queue waiting (and hoping) others were doing them to. We had some luck, and got some good teams of wanting to get through them as quickly as possible. Now here are the links to some clips from STO portion of last night:

Twitch Clip: Up And Atom... Up And AT THEM!

Twitch Clip: Pull them off me!

Twitch Clip: We're gonna break out the Boom stick!

Twitch Clip: That was a mistake.... WHOOPS!

For the second half of the stream, our attention turned to New Pokemon Snap, continuing the journey of going around and snapping photos of Pokemon and hoping to get diamond stars on all of them. Near as I can tell, the story gradually moves forward with each level one gets on a particular 'course', and the higher the level you have on a course, the more variety of Pokemon you see and the more things they will possibly do! I've made up my mind that when we finished DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power, New Pokemon Snap will move to Saturday nights, but we're probably a few weeks away from that. The best part about New Pokemon Snap is the dark humor I can have with it when I say 'time to shoot some Pokemon'....  And of course here are some clips from the Pokemon portion of the stream.

Twitch Clip: Holy Crapola!

Twitch Clip: We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat

Twitch Clip: We Popped Him!

Twitch Clip: Getting a good shot of a Florges

Now as I've been busy upgrading things over the course of the past year, there is one things that I feel could use an improvement and that's the camera I use. I use both a Logitech C920 and a Nexigo 1080P game. The C920 is the secondary camera because I had issues with it where at times it would not capture video at all, so we added the Nexigo, because it was the closest thing on the market I could get last year because the Logitech Streamcam was sold out everywhere. So I finally got my hands on one, and boy did this fly under the radar... it uses a USB-C connection, which is the small port slot often seen on laptops and more micro-built PCs (like an off the shelf HP or Dell).... so it raises a question of, what was Logitech thinking? They put out the best webcam possibly just before the pandemic hit last year, and it uses a connection type that is not universal and needs a USB-C to USB-A 3.0 adapter to connect to MOST PCs. Anyway the big reason I want to replace the Nexigo game is that it has no zoom in or out function, which would be really helpful when setting scenes in OBS, instead I have to use a crop filter to get things to where I have them, but it ends up so zoomed in on my face it makes things a little awkward and less than ideal since I use a green screen. If the C920 didn't have issues I would just swap the two, but it is what it is. With luck we'll have the Streamcam up and running by Monday.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout went 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 557 kcal. We took out the stretching for today's session. Did have a handful of ugly misses mostly due to the left joy con having the de-sync issues. Probably will have to look up how to 'calibrate' the joy cons again. Anyway we're up to 98 out of 100 for the Laura's Best Friend achievement, which means we'll have it unlocked with tomorrow's session before we move on to the next trainer. On a side note, I'm glad to see that there is a DLC music pack for Fitness Boxing 2, granted it's original music and not licensed tracks, but adding more variety to what the came uses as background music for each exercise is a good thing.

We've added it four items to the gaming collection, first for the PlayStation we now have Star Wars: Master of Teras Kasi, Tekken and Tekken 2 . Of the three I have played Star Wars: MOTK before, because my younger brother had it. I'm surprised that wasn't among the PS1 games I knew were his that I found several months ago because I know he wasn't into trading in the games he had. I've never played the original Tekken or Tekken 2 before, so adding them made sense since thanks to Kazuya being added to Smash has made it easy to track the older games down. Lastly for the Nintendo Switch, we've added Arcade Spirits which is a visual novel game that according to reviews I've read, is a little more in-depth that it seems. On a side note: I need replacement cases for Tekken and Tekken 2 as they came without their jewel cases or manuals. Knowing the folks at  it'll probably be two weeks before they arrive.

Also picked up a couple of books: Overwatch Deadlock Rebels which is the tie-in novel focused on Ashe and Jesse's past. Should be a good read from what I've skimmed through so far. Also picked up RWBY The Official Manga Volume 3, and it's been a joy to see how the series has been adapted to a different medium... even if the art style at times leaves a little to be desired.

Tonight's stream will focus on God of War for the PlayStation 4, as we pick up the start of our quest to go for the The Light of Alfheim. Of course I'll be doing as much random exploring as possible to find collectables, loot and enemies to fight. We'll get the stream started in the early evening!

And on that note we'll see you later over on!

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