Sunday, July 18, 2021

Today's Notes 7/18/21: Let Go With Eevee!

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night we started up Pokemon Let's Go Eevee on the Nintendo Switch, and if I remember right it was about a year ago we were playing Pokemon Shield, so the timing is kind of perfect! First off, the battles mechanics are the same as they are in every Pokemon game, so nothing knew there in terms of how give commands, use items and so forth. 

The biggest challenge with the Pokemon Let's Go games is the fact for streaming purposes I have to use the joy cons, because this game was designed to be similiar to the Pokemon Go app in terms of catching Pokemon, so we have to do a throwing motion. The best thing I figure is to just try to get it in the middle, because I don't exactly have the best set up to do a throwing motion. It's really tough to figure out what counts a solid throw or a weak one. This does remind me of a detail of Pokemon Shield where you had hte option of trying to capture first or battling against wild Pokemon... and I do wish this was the case here, because leveling is up is tied to both catching wild Pokemon and doing battles against trainers, which as far as I know is the only way to get Poke-dollars to buy Pokeballs... so it's possible to screw oneself over in this game.

So it's safe to say the majority of streams will involve me badly missing throws, even if I manage to catch 39 Pokemon with 20 of them being unique. 

Anyway here are some clips from last night!

Twitch Clip: Eevee Versus Pikachu... Eevee Wins By Knock Out!

Twitch Clip: Playing with Eevee

Twitch Clip: Vine Whip Them Good!

Twitch Clip: A Mankey versus My Eevee

Twitch Clip: Buzzy Buzz! It was Super Effective

It's the start of a new week which means let's recap what we did last week with the weekly highlight reel. This week's video includes clips from all the games played on stream: Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise, Overwatch, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, Power Rangers; Battle for the Grid, Tom Clancy's The Division, Capcom vs SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium, Cartoon Network Racing, George of the Jungle & The Search For The Secret, Space Jam, Star Trek Online, God of War & Pokemon Let's Go Eevee!

Per the recommendation of long time friend of the channel Mezmerrizer, we added Wild 9 for the  the original PlayStation to the collection. I know nothing about the game, so it will be interesting to check it out on stream at some point!.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 505 kcal. Since I didn't wake up till mid-afternoon, I elected not to do this session on Twitch, which means I'll try to do tomorrows for a stream or maybe Saturday's. We are now up to 77 out of 100 for the Evan's Best Friend achievement.

It's Sunday which means Overwatch is on tap for tonight. I know Mayhem matches were available yesterday cause I played a few yesterday afternoon off-stream, so if it cycles back around to be an option for tonight that's the way we'll roll! Otherwise, just standard quick play matches and I will work on keeping a list of match results!

And on that note we'll see you later over on!

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