Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Today's Notes 6/9/21 - 6/9? Niiiice....

Good morning everybody,

It's a work day where I'm scheduled for work and I actually have an assignment, Granted yesterday's work assignment ended up being rough with how successful I was (meant I had to talk a lot!) 

Last night's stream of Mass Effect 2: Legendary Edition was without any incidents, no internet issues and no issues with OBS going haywire. We got a lot and I mean a lot done, with recruiting Samara and completing the loyalty missions for her, Jack, Jacob, Garrus and Thane, as well as finding a couple of stray side quests here and there. With what's left in the game I figure on Monday we can knock out Grunt and Mordin's loyalty missions (plus what ever side quests we come across) and take care of the Lair of the Shadowbroker side-story, then on Tuesday it'll be getting the EFF / Recruiting Legion, completing his side quest and then wrapping up Mass Effect 2 with the assault on the Collector's Base.

We also pretty much locked in Thane as Shepard's love interest for Mass Effect 2. Yes I know most people pair FemShep up with Garrus, but when you think about it, Garrus and Shepard doesn't make sense beyond just them wanting to blow off some steam... Shepard and Thane both have lost time to being dead (literally and figuratively respectively), Shepard being brought back from the dead and getting their life back together while Thane is marching toward his dead and putting his affairs in order. It just works out perfectly, plus it gives extra meaning to Thane's death in Mass Effect 3 and makes his funeral during the Citadel DLC much more impact.

We also got a lot of achievements last night which I'll list next.

  1. Cat's in the Cradle: ME2: Gain the loyalty of the Assassin
  2. Soldier: Kill 1,000 enemies in Mass Effect 1, 2 or 3
  3. Fade Away: ME2: Gain the loyalty of Archangel
  4. The Justicar: ME2: Successfully recruit the Justicar
  5. Ghost of the Father: ME2: Gain the loyalty of the Cerberus Operative
  6. Incineration Specialist: ME2: Incinerate the armor of 25 enemies
  7. Catharsis: ME2: Gain the loyalty of the biotic Convict
  8. Doppelganger: ME2: Help the Justicar resolve her mission

And of course we got some clips from last night as well.

Twitch Clip: Critical Mission Failure... I could not believe it

Twitch Clip: The Most Powerful Biotic Volus In The Universe Versuse Some Asari Merc...

Twitch Clip: Achievement: Incineration Specialist

Twitch Clip: The tension between Jack and Miranda...

Twitch Clip: Shepard and Thane will just have to figure it out

My order of replacement PS3 style cases from finally arrived, with cases for 007 Racing, WWF In Your House and WCW Mayhem, plus by accident (because of mislabeled listing) a case for Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro... which gives me a reason to track that game down which will be pretty easy since it finding someone selling it disc only is a lot more common than finding it complete in box. It does surprise me they don't have ECW Anarchy Rulz listed, but seems to me like it would be the best place to go to see if one could be made, because doesn't seem to respond to emails. 

By the way to compare to the two sites. may have a smaller listing by you have the option of getting either jewel cases sized or PS2 styled cases for PS1 games with the coloring of the repoduction artwork being a lot similar to the original version.... offers more of the PS3 styled version but has the larger selection, and the art work is a little darker, which makes some text hard to read and hides some unique features of some of the artwork. I was able to do the comparison since I got the same cases for Resident Evil 2 and Darkstalkers from both sites to be able to do a comparison.

My APBA Baseball 1993 season continues to roll along with my Phillies in 1st place in the NL East. Lost a handful of games last night mostly due to just bad luck since the APBA Baseball for Windows game really plays like a roll of the dice similar to the actual board games its based on 

Also put in a little work into Capcom Arcade Stadium, with so many achievements requiring things like play time and amount of times played, it's really just all about loading it up doing a quick game and moving on to the next one as quickly as possible.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was 31 minutes, as it marked the 180th day since we started using it daily. Estimated calorie burn was 497 kcal. We're up to 6 out of 10 for the Laura's Trainee achievement, while the Laura's Buddy achievement remains at 3 out of 10. Reason being I wanted to focus on the daily exercise today only. 

Tonight we're back to the Division, we'll take our time of course as we'll wait for Iceman to join in before taking things seriously as we got a lot of ground to cover. Hell the area where we left off last week has quite a lot to do.

And on that note we'll see you later over on!

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Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)