Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Today's Notes 6/8/21: A Glitchy Night Of Mass Effect 2

Good morning everybody,

It's a work day and I'm glad to report I will be working this afternoon.... always nice to put in my schedule and to see work listed on the days I work (even if the assignments are often limited for quota reasons)

Last night's stream of Mass Effect 2: Legendary Edition did have two major technical hiccups. The first was a random reset of my internet out of no where, I can't tell if there was a semi-power flicker or if it was just Comcast acting up but seeing as how major companies were knocked out as well apparently, I'm guess it was Comcast being screwy again. Now when internet service was restored after two minutes, this lead to OBS maxing out RAM usage for whatever reason, which caused audio desync of the capture card and other issues, which forced a second stream restart when I realized something was wrong. So basically last night's stream got broken up into three chapter.

Also there was a 20 GB patch up date for Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, near as I can tell the only big change is the fact the credits carry over from ME1 to ME2 got nerfed, the fog on Illium was lightened, but that fixed needs to be applied to a couple of planet missions one will come across because it was like trying to look through pea soup in some instances. It also apparently reset the in-game tracking of DLC related goals for Mass Effect 2.

That said, we did cover a lot of ground, as we met up with Liara and got her side quests done and also recruited Thane. I am noticing the squad mates AI is a little more suicidal than one like, since I've been taken Mordin along to chase after one achievement, he was downed several times last nigh as he refused to get into cover. Miranda has also been an issue as well. Can't imagine playing Mass Effect 2: Legendary Edition on insanity with this issue to deal with. We also tackled the loyalty missions for Miranda and Tali last night... Miranda's loyalty mission basically makes me chuckle a bit because of how naive she is when it comes to who betrays her, but Tali's Loyalty mission is really cool because despite going full Renegade, it shows the softer side of Shepard.

We also picked up four achievements last night, three of which were tied to the details of the story we cleared. Here's the list.

  1. The Prodigal: ME2: Gain the loyalty of the Cerberus Officer
  2. The Assassin: ME2: Successfully recruit the Assassin
  3. Weapon Specialist: ME2: Fully upgrade a weapon
  4. Treason: ME2: Gain the loyalty of the quarian

And of course we have Twitch Clips as well from last night which I'll list next

Twitch Clip: It really was a long way down!

Twitch Clip: Hurt Me? I Hardly Felt A Thing

Twitch Clip: Even A Renegade Will Have A Hug For Tali

Twitch Clip: Wrong Admiral!

 Twitch Clip: If Only Shepard Was Quarian...

Figured out how to get newspaper styled box scores out of APBA Baseball's League Manager, so I went back and adjusted the ones for the 1993 season I'm playing to reflect that. It doesn't quite format correctly to Blogger, but it's a lot easier to look at than the stat heavy versions

As I was messing around setting up the Elgato Stream Deck XL, I made a few dedicated buttons. We now have a GlaDOS button with a few random assortment of her dialog from Portal 2, and a Wrex button which feautres random lines of Wrex (and another Krogan) from Mass Effect 1. Also the a shout out buttons now fully work for Kalenal, FnDanteSavage, DaemonsW0lf and Foxy_Melly. Really up in the air if I want to combine the Twitch Clip and OBS Clip commands into one multi-action button or not.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was 34 minutes, with an estimated calorie burn of 546 kcal. Needless to say we've had to dial it down lately because of work but that's the trade off. Overall this was day 337 since we started with the first Fitness Boxing game and day 179 since switching to Fitness Boxing 2 in December. We're up to 3 out of 10 for the Laura's Trainee achievement and the Laura's Buddy achievement. The first of one we'll probably knock out by Friday and the second one probably by Sunday, Monday at the latest.

And of course what's on tap for tonight? Well the plan is to continue Mass Effect 2: Legendary Edition with the focus starting with going after the loyalty missions for Garrus and Thane on the Citadel, then probably doing the Shadow Broker content. We'll see how that plays out.

And on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

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Highlight: Phasmophobia (Episode 7)