Monday, June 14, 2021

Today's Notes 6/14/21: Better to be lucky than good

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream of Overwatch was decent, as we picked up three plays of the game with, Soldier 76 and Tracer, the later of which was certainly a case of better to be lucky than good. I have had some pretty good matches using Tracer ever since dedicating the last hour+ of the Sunday streams to playing Damage heroes. Of course we do have some clips from last night which I'll list next!

Twitch Clip: Surrender to my will!

Twitch Clip: A Triple Kill!

Twitch Clip: I May DIe But I Take Them With Me!

Twitch Clip: Catching 2 With Tracer's Ultimate

After the stream I got a notification that an order of items I placed with Amazon got routed to the wrong place and instead of Amazon saying it will be delayed they are just refunding me... making me purchase what I did again. That is the first time I've ever seen that happen... which is disappointing because I was hoping to announce what would be featured for my first PlayStation 4 related stream that I have planned for Friday. 

Speaking of the PS4, I did do a little off stream gaming with it to get use to its format, and I can safely say that the controller does not feel comfortable. Now having used the PlayStation 2 and 3 Dualshock controllers, pretty regularly since the fall, one would assume the PS4 version wouldn't feel too different, but it does as it feels just awkward to hold, not to mention the touch pad screen gimmick makes it just unnatural when wanting to press pause.

This was particularly noticeable when I was messing around with Street Fighter V: Champion Edition, as I was looking to get to the commands menu to learn how some characters moves are performed, and the 'Options Button' is placed in a very awkward spot. I also notices another awkward design with PS4 in that the progress for checking for download progress being buried in the notifications section. But we did get some achievements... I mean trophies last night, some pretty basic ones.

  1. Mastering The Basics: Why don't you try finishing up the tutorial? You might've mastered the first step, but nailing down the fundamentals is what's important.
  2. Playing Favorites: You must set a character as your favorite! Can't decide who to choose? Niiihehehe! Well, you can't go wrong with Lord Bison!
  3. All In A Name: You'll never stand out without an original title. Try choosing an appropriate title for me.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Session was streamed over over on Twitch  with the workout being about 40 minutes and estimated calorie burn of 660 kcal. We're up to 53 out of 100 for the Laura's Best Friend achievement. And since the session was streamed we have some clips of that!

Twitch Clip: That's Right

Twitch Clip: Solid Combos

And on that note we'll be back later tonight with Mass Effect 2: Legendary Edition! See you all later over at!

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Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)