Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Today's Notes 5/4/21

Good morning everybody, 

Last night's stream of Nancy Drew Dossier: Resorting to Danger, was surprisingly a lot of fun, with it being a lot more straight forward in terms of its puzzles and mini-games than Nancy Drew Dossier: Lights Cameras Curses, which we played last year. The facial mini-games were probably the most interesting as it required a lot of realizing of what layers should go where to create the various patterns, and I did enjoy the combining of letters and molecule colors puzzles, as that involved more outside the box thinking. There was just one small portion of the game, a dialog sequence about 1/2 way through that gave me trouble because I didn't realize what a clue was indicating right before hand. 

Twitch Clip: Facial Treatment Things

Twitch Clip: Come Here You Flea Bitten Varmint!

Also disappointed to find out that the teased third game in the series, Nancy Drew Dossier: Ship of Shadows was never released... because it looked pretty interesting.

Went through more stuff last night, added a bunch of things to the 'to be shredded pile', and placed a bunch of loose photos into photo albums. Yes its 2021 and I still have photo albums! Granted a lot of these pictures were probably duplicates, but hey, they are all safe and secure where they blond.

Update on the Washer and Dryer fiasco from last week, the washer needs a new motor, and the dryer needs out right replacing. When it rains it pours 

There was a nice little Nintendo Switch games sale happening earlier, and catching a few top titles at 50% off seems like a good idea.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was okay, granted at 35 minutes I got pretty loose and built up a good sweat, but my timing was off when doing left jabs, resulting in me blowing several combos in a row. Certainly feels weird when I miss that many. Still today was literally half of yesterday's total workout, so it works out considering I start work 20 minutes after writing this.

Not completely sure what we're doing tonight, yes it's May the Fourth and I do have Star Wars games, but I really don't feel like messing around with them. The leading candidate for tonight is MLB the Show 21, probably mess around with some online games and home run derbies.

And on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

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