Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Today's Notes 4/13/21

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream of Dragon Age Inquisition was basically all about doing every side quest I had open that didn't involve finding plants or rocks, as we covered the last bit of Cullen and Josephine's Inner Circle Quests and everything in the Hissing Wastes. This lead to five achievements being unlocked which are listed below.

  • Pathfinder - Discover a campsite and establish at least one Inquisition camp in 10 wilderness areas.
  • Demonslayer - Defeat 1,000 demons in single-player mode.
  • Dragons' Bane - Slay 10 high dragons in single-player mode.
  • Keymaster - Enter the heart of the Solasan temple.
  • Decorator - Purchase any new decoration element for Skyhold.

With that said, this all sets up tonight's stream where there are three main story quests left to cover, and four achievements to along with them, with luck we'll finish Dragon Age Inquisition today! 

Following last night's stream I messed around a little with Pac-Man 99, which is the latest classic video game turned battle royal, and as a replacement for Super Mario 35, it's okay, even if figuring out how to get the controls to switch to where I can use the analog stick instead of the d-pad to move was a pain in the ass.

Also jumped into Overwatch (PC Version) last night to try my hand in getting the 2021 Archive Achievements, succeeding in two of them, 

  • Sympathy Gains  -  Complete the Sympathy Gains Archives challenge mission. 
  • Thunderstorm - Complete the Thunderstorm Archives challenge mission. 

For Sympathy Gains, I used Dva, while the rest of the team was Ana, McCree and Reaper. Ana's anti heal was really useful in preventing the enemies from healing each time one was taken down, plus when used right McCree and Reapers ults can clear out a bunch. The reason I used Dva is because her defense matrix can eat a lot of damage from the Heavy Assault enemies that are encounter. For Thunderstorm,  I again was Dva, while the rest of the team was Baptiste, Roadhog and Orissa. This involved taking out time and taking out enemies at a distance, because if they got close they would do a lot of extra damage. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session lasted about 30 minutes, plus I did a little extra because I had the extra time to do so. My few misses were due more to carelessness on my part, or rather me being absent minded about the sequence I should've been performing. Still it was a good way to start the day.

And on this note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden for more Dragon Age Inquisition!

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