Thursday, March 4, 2021

Today's Notes 3/4/21

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of ESPN Major League Baseball saw six games being played featuring my 2004 Philadelphia Phillies, first was a four-game sweep of the Atlanta Braves which did unfortunately involved Tomas Perez getting injured. Instead of bringing up someone from the minors, I found Jay Bell on the free-agent market, which is actually an upgrade in terms of having a utility infielder that actually is good at three positions. The final two games a loss and a win against the Chicago White Sox to begin the inter-league portion of the season. Because it takes about an hour for each game, there was no way I was gonna get through a seventh game last night night. Still we basically covered a week of the season, so that's good.

Finally finished a fan-fic based on elements of Zero Escape: The Nonary Games last night, and it's posted in the usual places where I would post such things. It's a good thing I did wait in regards to finishing it because details that I learned from last Saturday's stream of Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Rewards proved helpful in adding references and spoilers to what was basically a five-page ship-fest.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was actually short, clocking in at about 30 minutes minus the stretching, because there was not any lower-body workouts or stretching involved. I did do a little extra to not only put progress in on the free-exercise achievement for Janice, plus it does bother me when I see the estimated calorie burn count for the daily session to be so low. I must be developing an ego when it comes to that.

Popped into Animal Crossing New Horizon's this morning, and it turns out Ozzie's replacement is going to be Boris, which means I'll have two cranky residents on my island, with Hopper being the one already there.

Tonight's stream will feature Star Trek Online and we'll be bouncing from character to character doing various things, and we will finish what we started last week involving my Discovery-era character that was interrupted because of the game's server issues. Hopefully that will not be a problem this week.

And on that note we'll see you later today over on!

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