Saturday, February 13, 2021

Today's Notes 2/13/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Yup I slept in, didn't get up till about 1:30 PM.... had a nice tuna sandwich and salad for 'breakfast', because why not.

Anyway last night's stream of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix saw a lot getting done in terms of advancement of the story, as we made our second visits to everything from Twilight Town up to Port Royal, which means achievements for finishing the worlds related to Mulan, Beauty &The Beast, and Pirates of the Caribbean were unlocked. Obviously the biggest and best moment of the night was the aftermath of Goofy's apparent death and playing as Sora running along a canyon fighting along side Squall, Cloud, Tifa and Yuffie before slaughtering 1000 enemies still holds up as one the most bad-ass moments in any video game I've played. Now while I like a lot of the added cut-scenes that add extra context to the story, the placement of them leave a bit to be desired, because I have no memory of such a large break in the action in some sections. Also the realization that I have to use the Drive forms to get various abilities that should be from just leveling up or reaching story points is complete bull shit lol.

So let me tough on the impeachment trial which as of this moment exposed two real big obvious truths, one the Republicans have no balls and won't stick their principals when it comes to defending the constitution are are willing to risk even more violence and Trump running for office again because they were complicit in enabling him to organize an assault on the Capital back on January 6th, and the Democrats dropped the fucking ball by not calling for witness testimony from those willing to speak about what they know and saw regarding Trump's actions, showing their inability to follow-thru.In fact as I'm writing this, the Senate did acquitted Trump 57-43.... and the 43 Senators all of whom are Republicans should be ashamed of themselves and for the fact they have just put this nation in peril. May all 43 of them burn in hell for all of eternity. If you are a Trump Support, fuck you and I hope you burn in hell too.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was about 38 minutes (closer to 46 minutes if one includes 8 minutes of stretching), and was a real leg burner as it did include a Hell Mode set. Unlocked a new achievement "Middleweight Puncher Lv. 3" which was to reach a total punch count of 84,000 HITs aka punches thrown that are not consider misses.  This does not include things like weaves, ducks, steps and blocks. My current exact total is 84,510 punches thrown. On a side note, it seems the game itself does not like to use 'So What' by Pink, as it has only been used in a session 5 times, while "Alone" by Marshmello and"Can't Hold Us" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis have been used 21 times.

Late tonight, we'll be getting back to Zero Escape Virtue's Last Reward, as I think we've done all we could with the Magenta door path last week, so we'll need to jump to the first door choice to pick on of the other two to see if that gets us anywhere. So we'll be seeing a lot of dialog, new puzzles and such for tonight's stream! 

And on that note we'll see you later over on

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