Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Today's Notes 1/26/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night's stream of Saints Row The Third was very productive in terms of achievement hunting, as we knocked out 15 achievements due to my approach of doing all the side activities (i.e. Trail Blazing, Mayhem, Escort, Snatch, etc) as well as tracking down all the collectables and clearing out all the enemy gang operations to gain 100% control of Steelport. So what's left is mostly the story in terms of in-game completion. Again my familiarity with the game and having a very direct approach to doing stuff certainly helps in terms of getting things done. That said I am surprised that sthree of the achievements I unlocked last night are listed as diamonds which means less than 10% of people who have played Saints Row The Third Remastered on Xbox One have acquired them, and those three are Life of The Party (7.42%), Flash the Pan (8.59%) and You're The Best (9.05%). The first is tied to getting all the collectables, the second is for taking out all the gang operations and the later is for taking control of Carver Island.

So here's how to do all three of those.

Life of the Party: acquire the in-game radar to find all the collectables and use the Saints VTOL (or the Stag version) to go around Steeleport picking each one up, while most are on the ground, there are two hidden in caves, and several on rooftops. Using an aircraft like the Saints or Stag VTOL makes this very easy, and ties to the the next achivement.

Flash The Pan: As you are going around picking up all the collectables in Steelport using a VTOL, you'll more than likely be able to spot quite a few of the gang operations. Here's the thing, you have to be on the ground to take them out. There is one gang op that is on top of building in the center of Steelport within Morning Star Territory, and you will need to land on it to deal with what's there. To make this even easier, do all the other activities and get all the stores and properties first this way you'll can use the map to narrow down where you want to do your scouting, plus once you take out a gang op, you'll have three stars notoriety for the corresponding gang, so you'll want to have places to go wipe it clean in addition to your safe houses.

You're The Best: Carver Island is the bottom left portion of the map and is basically where all the Luchardores is focused at, doing all the activities, clearing out all gang ops and and acquiring all the stores and properties will get your 100% control.

So hopefully that helps those who have not completed those three achievements yet!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was alright, again felt like my timing was a bit off out of the orthodox stance, but felt better than it did the last two days. Nothing special to report other than the left joy con re-setting itself cost me a few misses. It's amazing how long it goes without having any issues but then out of the blue, bam, it will re-set itself for no reason lol.

Star Trek Online's anniversary event starts today with two new missions, a new incentive for people to launch a Klingon Defense Force character and a new ship... and I just did the buyout on the event. I did notice not just ships but several bridge officer types are now listed as account wide so if you want an alternate Andorian on the your you can unlock that via the Zen Store and recruit them from where you get your Android Officer on Earth Space Dock. It's about time! Also all Tier 6 ships are account wide, but lobi ships still are not.... 

Finished the commissioned fan fic yesterday, and got promptly paid for it, goes to show if people agree to my terms for a commissioned piece things will go smoothly? Will I post the fic here? Nope because it falls under Rule 34 of the internet. I will say this my lack of familairty with current the current WWE product made it pretty difficult to come up with a set up, and so having to use a pseudo-reference to Miz and Mrs was my only option for it. But hey, it was done and now I move on to other things.

Anyway more than likely tonight we'll be continuing Saints Row The Third Remastered, at about 9:30 PM EST, there is a chance i could start earlier depending on when the assignment my job has finishes, we'll se how that goes!

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