Saturday, January 16, 2021

Today's Notes 1/16/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night we kicked off the next big game on this year's tour, Saints Row: The Third Remastered. Yes we've played the original version that was ported to Steam over the last few years, so this is certainly different since it's the Xbox One remaster that came out last year, shortly after all the Covid-19 stuff went down. Now let me say that while 99.99999999% in the game looks great, the the one thing that looks awkward are the colors for creating the version of 'The Boss' that I've always used. Some of the realistic textures just look a bit weird in some regard. Also ran into a couple of small bugs, one resulted in a mission being restarted and another needed an NPC to pushed into position. Also one could say that the Remastered version is more difficult than the version I've played on Steam because it doesn't have the Bloodsucker option included. Still it'll be fun seeing how the more realistic version of the events in Saints Row: The Third look as I progress through the story and make Steelport mine again.

Today's Fitness Boxing session was a bit rough as the side step and front-back step combos meant I was having to move my feet, and thus my timing was thrown way over, resulting in a horrible Fitness Age score of 26. Clearly the more misses you have effects the age score. Still I average 21 most days anyway but it was discouraging to see what for me is a bad score. That said, mostly everything else was on point for me today. Also popped into Animal Crossing New Horizons, and that glitch where one of the residents doesn't spawn anywhere on the island reared it's ugly head again, as I couldn't find Pietro anywhere on my island, and yes I did check the shops and museum and the houses of other residents

For tonight's stream we'll be heading back to Zero Escape: 999 and this time we are looking for the 'safe' ending because so far I have found the endings that resulted in every one getting killed. I think I have an idea of what to do to get it based on the first three play throughs I did and looking at the flow chart. Because once we get the 'safe' ending, that means next week we'll get to go for the true ending to finish the game!

And on that note we'll see you later at about 7 PM EST over on

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