Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Today's Notes 1/12/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night's stream may have been complete garbage video quality wise, but we did finish Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, and I'm unsure, but I think the final boss of 'Perfect' Mira was rather easy. Was disappointed that Bardock didn't show up for the final fight to join in with my character of Isey and Goku in the beat down, it would've been cool. Couldn't really do a highlight reel as most of the footage ended up pixelated... hell I was lucky the clip of me ending Mira was a good as it was. Also Goku's character model is disturbing as hell to look at.

That said, after the stream I was up till 5 AM with Comcast customer service, explaining everything again, and they sent out a tech that came to my home a little after noon EST... and he notice right away that critters (birds, squirrels, etc) tore up the line real bad on the telephone pole, that just about everything needs replacing while pointing out Comcast doesn't do any replacing of parts until after someone like me complains, and he cleaned up the work that was done by previous techs that came out years ago that left things a bundled mess. Did a test stream and everything looks solid. There is one more thing that needs replacing on the telephone pole, but that requires more people, but he did a great job getting me back up and running.

Today's Fitness Boxing session was solid, lot of a lower body exercise and I actually found a good rhythm with front back steps which is very rare for my chunky butt. It was a good solid paced workout from start to finish, to the point my Fitness Age was back to a 21. Did have some issues with the left joy con not registering at instants... which is always a treat to get frustrated with.

Not sure what I'm doing for tonight's stream, but I'll be up to something or other as you know me I'll figure something out! See ya at about 9:30 PM EST over on twitch.tv/fredcasden


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