Friday, January 1, 2021

Today's Notes 1/1/21

Good afternoon everyone,

And welcome to 2021, and let's hope it's fucking better than 2020 was in every way possible.

Of course we are off to a slightly rough start, with the ending of Twitch Sings. Last night I did a fucking long stream starting at about 6 PM and going to about 2:30 AM, give or take, and we had DaemonsW0lf, Dissinger and Kalenal join in and the party. Was glad to get in some final duets, and for the record the last person I sang with was Flint_locke, who ended up doing at 17 Hour long stream, which ended after Twitch Sings closed down at about 1:15 PM EST. I am putting together a video, as a bit of a roll call / shout out to everyone I sang with and compiling that list was a pain in the butt, as there were 1438 people I've done duets with, and of course there a lot of folks I've come to know and consider friends. Of course Kalenal pointed out that I probably have the most 'earned' stars for doing solos on either normal and expert difficulty, and yes there certainly was an over lap as a lot of songs I did on normal I did do on expert, but that total being over 8600 combined stars.

I did do a bonus stream today, to get the new year off on the good foot with Fitness Boxing 2, and boy did that game make me pay for having two beers last night, with a heavy focus on body punches. There is nothing and I mean nothing more vicious than body upper cuts on No Mercy when you have to go left body upper cut, left normal upper cut, followed by another left body upper cut. Fuck that was hard to get through.We also did some Animal Crossing: New Horizons and got to see another person's Island... but perhaps the oddest moment was Audie saying she drank all the coffee on my island... and she was wired man.... I mean totally, off the chain. Of course also tossed in some Super Mario Bros 35, and came in second, where I finished in 2nd place. So yeah good start to 2021. Now I'm not completely sure what I'll be streaming tonight, if I want to start up something new or do something I know I can beat in one night. But you know I'll come up with something! 

Staying on things I'm unsure about with Twitch, while Sunday Nights will remain focused on Overwatch, and Saturdays will see a big focus on the Zero Escape games (which we started last week), I'm thinking of moving Star Trek Online from Thursdays to Fridays starting next week, or dedicating Friday's to ESPN Baseball. Both games draw about the same amount of attention, so it's a wash either way. The Division 2 will be semi-reoccurring mostly based around events like manhunts which depending on things can either be a one night sprint or needing both Tuesdays and Thursdays. But outside of that, Mondays to Wednesdays will probably be dedicated to games for the 2021 tour (and yes there will be new t-shirt and mug up to match that)

And on that bombshell, we'll see you later tonight over on for who knows what!

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