Sunday, December 6, 2020

Today's Notes 12/6/20

Good afternoon everybody,

Ah Sunday's.... the start of the week, which of course means tonight over on Overwatch is on tap for the weekly chaos and mayhem that game brings. And considering this is the second week of December, that means we'll probably being seeing the start of the Winter Event as well in the near future. Really excited to see what new skins get added.

Of course, the day already started off with Fitness Boxing, with a 40 minute workout.... ok ok, it was 39 minutes I just rounded up. Really a nice session overall with straights, jabs, hooks and body hooks. My timing was a little bit off at times, but overall felt solid. Hell with the weather getting colder, the feeling of of the body warming up doing what is basically an aerobics set is really noticeable.

Last night's Twitch Sings stream was really awesome, being probably the most watched stream I've had of that game since prior to the announcement the game is shutting down on January 1st. As I've avoided last night, the plan to do a tribute to Frank Sinatra on Saturday really depends on his songs still being in the game come the 12th, and I've certainly done my best to have back up tunes as well in case anything gets removed from Twitch Sings. As of 3:45 PM EST today, there are still 3146 songs left on Twitch Sings, which includes everyone I listed in the previous post. So keep your fingers crossed folks.

Big thanks to DaemonsW0lf ( and BluVelvet ( for the raids last night, it is always cool when folks choose to direct their audience to my pokey little channel. DaemonsW0lf was doing a live reading of Metro 2033 while BluVelvet was also doing a Twitch Sings stream. They are both awesome, and I hope you check both of them out when they are live!

Finished listening to Doctor Who: Whispers of Terror last night, which is such a fun story that sees The Doctor (Colin Baker) and Peri (Nicola Bryant) arrive in an audio museum as mystery involving murder and a political conspiracy is taking place. One of things I love about Colin Baker's portrayal of the Doctor, particularly in the audio form is just how bombastic his voice is, yes he can be really subtle, but the loudness of The Doctor speaks volumes, even when one considers the coat he wears! 

And on that bombshell that will wrap up today's notes, we'll see you over on Twitch at about 7 PM EST! Have a great rest of your day everyone!.

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