Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Today's Notes 12/22/20

Good afternoon everybody,

I can safely say I didn't get to bed to about 5 AM because I went to work on putting together this year's music video featuring all 48 games finished this year. During the course of which I realized I forgot to list Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, so instead of 49 games, the total stays at 48 as we'll drop Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days since again it was more of a movie. I actually made two versions, one of which I'll show on New Years Eve since it using the audio track from my self-duet of 19th Nervous Breakdown, while the YouTube version using the Colonel Bogey March from YouTube's audio library... so both are different lengths but basically the same.

Last night we sat down and finally played The Shivah, and imagine my surprise to see not one but two direct references to the Blackwell Legacy series, with Roseangela Blackwell sending and e-mail to Rabbi Zelig and we see her in the bar towards the ends of the game, talking to someone who isn't there... which firmly places The Shivah after the events of The Blackwell Legacy, which also tells me Roseangel and Joey were investigating the death of Ethan Goldberg. You know I might make this game the topic of this weeks commentary on Friday... but oh besides all the Blackwell stuff, The Shivah is a good little game, it does have multiple endings so there some replay value. Because my family on my father's side is Jewish, it safe to say I got most of the Rabbi jokes... even if I am more of goy than anything else these days.

Today's Fitness Boxing session was solid, kept it at regular settings so I didn't go through a No Mercy mode during today's routine. Did struggle a little with my timing for Left Uppercuts and Right Ducks from the orthodox stance and also with right hooks from the southpaw stance, but hey, it's a good thing I see those execution sections to get an idea of where my weaknesses are to try and do better next time!.

We also played some Super Smash Bros. Ultimate last night, and actually won three online matches as Min Min from the ARMS game. Which considering that was a game made to show off motion controls for the Nintendo Switch, makes me thing I should try to track down a copy of that game to try it. Now that I think about it I think most of my Online Wins in Smash.... which is a total of 25, involve Min Min lol. 

Tonight we'll probably start way before 9:30 PM with ESPN Baseball 2K4 and probably do two three-game series of our Philadelphia Phillies 2004 campaign. I will try not to brutalize the AI too much, but if I do I'll increase the difficulty to keep myself in check.

And on that note, that wraps everything up! See ya later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden

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