Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Today's Notes 12/2/20

Good afternoon everybody,

Got the day going on the good foot as always with Fitness Boxing, though I did actually had to reset one session because for whatever reason I wasn't quite hitting my marks on weaving... and I can't remember the last time I had that issue. Other than that, everything felt good and solid with every motion I did, and was totally jazzed afterward.

At the time I'm writing this I saw that Pat Patterson passed away, obviously best known for being the first WWF Intercontinental Champion, being a genius when it came to thinking up ways for matches to go or end and coming up with the concept of the Royal Rumble, Patterson was also a stooge for Vince McMahon and I'm not just talking about the role he played on TV in the late 90s and early 2000s. 

Last night's stream of Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories saw two more floors being tackled, Atlantica which represented The Little Mermaid, and Neverland which represented Peter Pan. In terms of the boss fights in each, I had more trouble with Ursula than I did with Captain Hook because Hook was a straight up fight while Ursula involved a lot more strategy. That said, I found Neverland to be the overall harder of the two floors because the little basic Heartless can sink into the floor making setting up combos a lot more haphazard. That said, Atlantica being set before Neverland makes so much because you're Under The Sea in one and then in a Boat in the next. If the Monstro floor was set after Halloween Town, it would've made for three straight areas involving things with an Ocean setting.

People are still going on about Pat Sajak 'snapping' at a contestant who questioned the validity of a puzzle they solved on an episode of Wheel of Fortune which just baffles my mind, because he didn't snap at anyone. When you think about it, if Sajak did snap at a contestant, do you honestly think they would've have left it in the version aired on TV? No they wouldn't they would've shot a re-do and kept what happened around for a blooper reel.

Twitch Sings Song Count Update, 3146 songs remain, so no change from yesterday. Again I shall continue to update this daily, since I still plan to do at least 4 more Twitch Sings streams between now and January 1st.

Not completely sure what we'll be streaming tonight, we could do some random PS1/PS2 games, maybe The Division 2 or mess around with things on The Switch. Kind of up in the air, but we'll figured something out! 

And on that note we'll see ya later over on

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