Sunday, December 20, 2020

Today's Notes 12/20/20

Good afternoon everybody,

So last night after the stream I loaded up Super Smash Brothers Ultimate and tried out the Sephiroth Challenge, to not only unlock the villain from the most overrated video game of all time (Final Fantasy VII), but to see just how rusty I am at that game. Not that I was any good as Smash to begin with, but I think on a normal setting I could handle most things the A.I. could throw at me,  which is why I beat the challenge on Normal difficulty and yes I did it as Cloud. I can safely say the Sephiroth's stage takes way to damn long to transition through and thus the only way to really appreciate it in a match is to se the time length to its longest possible setting and hope for a match that takes longer than 90 seconds.

As I look back to one year ago with the split between me and Dare to Stream and I can safely say, that while my Twitch viewership totals may be down in comparison, I was able to meet and interact with far more people. The funny thing is, I've seen invites to join other 'stream teams' and they all have that same bullshit rule of only host and / or raid within the team which does nothing more than prop up the leadership's channels. Hell lets say the big channel of a team draws in say 20 viewers at the very start, but because they are starting right about when other members of the team are ending, they know because of the rules they are setting they are getting a boost in their start totals of say 2 or 3 viewers from a raid plus any lurkers still on the smaller channel's page who opted out of the raid.. It makes the leadership's stats look good in comparison. As I said, my viewership totals may be down in comparison to a year ago, but at least I not feeding into a machine to prop up someone else.

Now with that off my hairy chest (ha ha), last night's Twitch Sings stream was a lot of fun, with it being one of the final ones I'll be able to do. Perhaps the real highlight of it wast the duet of Gaston I did when I went beyond ham and straight on to bacon with my performance. In comparison to others I can safely say I'm not very animated so just cutting loose like that was a lot of fun. Of course we did a bunch of duets and solos last night... hell thought we may have lost one because Twitch Sings started to act really goofy.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was fairly solid from start to finish, even though I feel and the game actually pointed out that I struggled a lot with Right Hooks and Left Weaves from the Southpaw stance, which was a bit odd, considering I've been pretty damn consistent with Southpaw Right Hooks all week, since they normally thrown in the form of a jab-straight-jab-right hook combo, and today's combos were a little more different. Ah well, tomorrow is a new today.

Today being Sunday means that we'll be playing Overwatch this evening, I already have the Junkrat greenish elf skin unlocked from getting nine wins off stream since Tuesday. Still we'll see if we can help other folks get the skin if they don't already have it.

Also I've already finished (or beaten) 47 games this years, and since I want to start working on some end of the year video projects, I want to add one more game to the list to have an even 48. The game that will take that spot is called The Shivah, which was developed and published by the same folks behind The Blackwell series. Technically The Shiva sorta of takes place in the same universe as some characters came from it, so this is kind of like a prequel. I'll be playing this Monday night/

And with that said, we'll see ya later tonight over on

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