Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Today's Notes 12/15/20

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories certainly ended with a tough decision on my part. You see we cleared floors 11 and 12, dealing with two battles against Riku which were both cakewalks, the battle against Darkside which I probably made harder on myself by not recongizing its attack pattern sooner because of my set up being more 'spammy' than anything else, and two slightly tougher battles in rematches against Vexen, who is immune to ice, and Larxene, who is immune to lightning.Both of those battles required multiple attempts to figure out what would work based on what I had available . 

Now here's where the tough decision comes in, you see, if I elected to continue the stream to try and tackle the 18th floor, which I probably could've cheesed my way through based on what map cards I had available, we probably could've finished the game, because I know if I went through the 13th floor I would be dealing with the final boss battles along with about a dozen rooms of enemies to get through. Plus I still have my streak going in the original Fitness Boxing, so we called the stream as soon as Nami explains her story to Sora cut scene ended and will see about finishing Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories tonight.

Speaking of Fitness Boxing, in the original last night we broke past the 200,000 punch marker, which was a nice personal achievement to surpass at like 2:30 in the morning. And of course when I woke up today, we hit Fitness Boxing 2, and passed the 5,000 punch marker. Considering we started included that in my daily routine on Saturday, so it's awesome progress is already being made to catch up to the original.

The Overwatch Winter Event begins today, and I can safely say I want the new Moira skin, her as an Ice Queen is just totally appropriate!  Torb as a lumberjack is kind of cool, as is Roadhog as a 'Frosty Snowman', but the rest of the new skins I can take 'em or leave him, no real impact on me at all. I might give the the 4v4 elimination a try since it seems to be based around freezing opponents and thawing allies in a weird game of tag, but it looks like for the weekly events skins I'll be focusing on standard matches. As Kalenal (twitch.tv/kalenal) pointed out to me, since she is traveling for the holidays it's frustrating to see how many timed events Blizzard chooses to put out for its games around this time, knowing full well people may not be able to complete them all. 

Anyway that will do it for today's notes, we'll see ya later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden at about 9:30 PM EST! 

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