Thursday, December 10, 2020

Today's Notes 12/10/20

Good afternoon everybody,

Let's first talk about last night Star Trek Online stream, which of course started with the realization (after I was told) that once again skill invalid bug appeared and forced me to once again respec the character I was using... which means I will have to do that again for every other character I've created over the years. It is odd that the developers have introduced a bug they don't seem to be able to fix, months after it first appeared. Of course the stream itself went smoothly, as we have completely caught up on existing main-stream story content for Star Trek Online as it pertains to my Cardassian in the Klingon Empire. Now if I were to guess, the next chapter in Klingon Civil War story arc should probably be coming in January or February, because it will be very unusual if it dropped in the middle of December. Hell I remember an episode of the Tibbles in Ecstasy podcast where one of the hosts (the one who didn't sound like he was on ecstasy) complained about the lack of new story content in regards to how grinding became and that was in December of 2016... I only remember this because that was went I ended up in the hospital.

Now tonight's stream is of course not going to be Star Trek Online, since we did that last night, instead the plan is to team up with Iceman7667, PowerThumbz and FnDanteSavage for more Division 2 manhunt things in what will surely be another night of lunacy. We'll probably start as son as I finish work, which means I'll be very pressed for time to get things set up. This is why time zones can be such a pain to deal with sometimes.

Anyway, we got today started nicely with Fitness Boxing, and it was a burner that is for sure, with quite a bit of ducking in the sets. It is amazing in one regard with how in-frequent I see the step combos appear in the daily routines that when I do see them, I always struggle to match the timing on back steps, feeling like I jump the gun for lack of a better terms.


Of course I did manage to finish listening to yet another Doctor Who audio drama, The Marian Conspiracy which sees The Doctor (Colin Baker) finding a temporal nexus point tied to the family ancestry of Evelyn Smyth (Maggie Stables). This story is notable for it's the first Big Finish Doctor Who story at introduces an original companion in Evelyn, who is quite different than most companions in that she is in her 50s which makes many of the stories she appears in having a much different approach in which her age and physical well being become major plot point. Something else that is striking is this story's ties to Queen Elizabeth I, granted the focus is on Queen Mary I, but when one actually takes stock of how Elizabeth is mentioned or encountered through all of Doctor Who (TV, books, audio dramas, comics), it is obvious that too this day she holds a special place in the hearts of the British people. 

At this exact moment there are still 3,146 songs left on Twitch Sings, so we're two days away from my plans for Saturday night's broadcast and things are looking good!

Anyway, on that bombshell we'll see you later, have a great day folks!

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