Saturday, November 7, 2020

Today's Notes 11/7/20

 Good Morning Everybody...

While I've not gone to sleep yet from yesterday morning.... so in an effort to wear myself down I loaded up Fitness Boxing.... and to my surprise, even though it was a little after 2 AM when I did, it counts for today's session.... so yay, workout already done lol... I big take away from this realization is that I can make sure I get a daily workout in at any time to keep my streak going

Last night's stream that featured Twitch Sings was intended to go longer than it did because I wanted to do a little standard gaming, but the Windows 10 Update that totally fucked with my established settings, made audio monitoring through OBS impossible. Now the stream started at about 7:35 PM and we ended the stream before 11 PM, kind of the usual amount of time for weekday... but the goodnews is I figured out the problem. Any audio sources in OBS that was being monitored (such as via an Elgato Capture Card) needed to be deleted and re-created for it to work. So everything works, and we'll be ready for today's N7 stream my first time playing Mass Effect on console.

So which news outlet have I had on my TV since I've been keeping up to date with this stuff and losing sleep over it? Well it's been CNN.... because between it, MSNBC and Fox News... it is the most level-headed... and in the middle of the night Fox News seems to just run re-runs and infomercials. MSNBC is so.... fucking weird. That said at 3:30 AM (as of the time I write this), Joe Biden's lead in Pennsylvania and Georgia is widening. Not sure exactly what Donald Trump is waiting on because at this point he has no shot at winning, particularly when one notices that Nevada and Arizona are increasingly out of reach as well)

I have logged in some matches for the new ranked Season of Overwatch, probably will just do the qualifiers because I always ended up being a tank or support, and if I'm stuck doing that I might as well just play Quick Play matches... which of course is what we do on Sunday Nights over on (haha)... still it does amaze me how some people refuse to play defense, or to play aggressively. or stick with bad DPS match ups. 

Anyway let me wrap this up, we'll see every this afternoon for N7 Day!

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