Monday, November 2, 2020

Today's Notes 11/2/20

Good Morning!

Hope everyone had a good weekend and will have a good week. For those of us here in the United States, tomorrow is election day and if you did not already return your mail-in ballot or gone to vote in person during early voting (why not?!) remember to vote tomorrow! 

We got this Monday off to a start with a Fitness Boxing stream, as you know it really depends on if I feel like streaming a session of it or not, or just to make sure it's represented in the weekly featured content list (aka the best of the week stuff lol). Was a solid maintenance workout, left knee was bothering me a bit, but that's nothing new. What's odd though is I went to bed an hour earlier than normal and still woke up later than I wanted. I can't win for trying.

Last night's Overwatch stream was a lot of kick ass fun, as we made sure Kalenal and PandaSweet got the Echo skin for the Halloween event, and we worked in some normal Quick Plays as well. Perhaps the real highlight for me personally was somehow getting a Play of the Game as Widowmaker in Junkenstein's Revenge....and it had nothing to do with playing her the way the character is meant to be played

Recently Twitch added the 'request to be unbanned' feature so that people who were banned from channels could see about getting their bans lifted, and someone tried to get their ban lifted from my channel, keeping in mind they were banned for trying to get someone else's ban lifted and being disruptive to my broadcast. And since the chat logs are shown to give an indication as to why they were banned, yeah safe to say they didn't get what they wanted. Also didn't help that their message said I had no reason to ban them.

Tonight's stream will see the return of WWE 2K20 and we'll be checking out the DLC content, starting with Bump in the Night, which now that I think of it I probably should've streamed that on Friday since it is Halloween themed.... oh well, live and learn I guess. The evening stream will start at 9:30 PM EST over at


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Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)