Friday, November 20, 2020

Today's Notes 11/20/20

Good afternoon everybody,

Today started off real nice as my official N7 Hoodie that I ordered from BioWare's online store arrived and it's really damn comfortable... and in addition to that, so did my copy of Mass Effect: The Complete Comics Collection as well. So that's a hell of a nice way to start the day. Flipping through the comics, I can say the artwork is certainly incredible, but here is a bit of gripe I have... there is no table of contents, which seems like a rather odd thing to leave out. On the other hand Aria is on the cover so that makes up for it in a way... because the first rule of Omega is don't fuck with Aria T'loak!

I already recording this week's commentary video and its focus will be on the controls of the console version of Mass Effect versus it's PC counterpart, as well as a brief sidebar into how to include Shepard in the Andromeda series if people are that desperate for it. That will be posted by about 4 PM EST over on YouTube.

Of course I did do a Fitness Boxing session today, keeping the Strength and Cardio routine at the 35 minuet session, which includes the stretching. Made a few mental mistakes during it where I basically end up screwing up an entire combo which made me glad I did not stream it cause that would've been embarrassing to say the least.

I'm up in the air over what I'll stream tonight, if I figure things right I could probably knock out the rest of Mass Effect because I know all I have left is Virmire, Illos and the raid on the Citadel. Or I could hold off on that and maybe try a general Playstation 2 stream. Was hoping to use the version DaemonsW0lf sent me by it appears the United States Postal Service has slowed down all mail coming out of Texas due to Covid-19.

Last night's Star Trek Online stream saw us wrap up the Gamma Quadrant story arc and being the Discovery content. Did have to cut the stream little short because I needed to take care of something personal, but my Cardassian Captain is within striking distance of the being fully caught up in the current story arc. And apparently there was a bug with the Faction alignment for the new Titan class vessel which was supposed to Federation only but apparently Klingon asspcoated Captain can get it to.... which actually would make more sense for any lockbox or lobi ships.... but still can't complain too much

And that will do it for today's notes, we'll see you over on later tonight!

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