Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Today's Note 11/18/20

Good afternoon everyone,

Had a nice Fitness Boxing session to start the day, really liking the groove I'm staying in keeping the settings on Strength and Cardio at 35 minuets, counting stretching sometimes that pushes up to 39 minuets. Of course as some days have proven, it can be below 35 minutes in length, but hey it's the daily routine, staying consistent is key.I will admit however, that sometimes my eating habits do kind of most certainly counter act any of my workout efforts, I'm a snacker in the worse possible sense of the term. If I hang out in the kitchen I'll end up chewing on something or other. What can I say some habits are easy to get into and others are impossible to stop.

Anyway, Overwatch has a new event running until November 30, called Symmetra’s Restoration Challenge, which basically is win 9 matches and get a new icon, spray and skin / costume for Symmetra. Since I typically don't play damage dealers in normal Quick Play matches, the only chance I'd have of being able to have her wear it is in Mystery Heroes or Mayhem matches if I straight up refuse to be a tank or support. Granted I'll switch to one of those depending on how things are going. Anyway the new skin for Symmetra is nice, but she's a rather bland character normally, with everything about her being based around 'perfect alignments' and everything in being in order. Note for the screen shot you see I had to do some editing to it to make it stand out from the background

Last night's stream was a return of The Division 2 as I tagged along with PowerThumbz and Iceman7667 in helping with the latest Manhunt things. There were laughs to be had for sure, most at Thumbz expense. Took me a little bit of time to remember how to play since The Division 2 is not a game I load up often when off-stream gaming... or at all for that matter.

Tonight we'll be back to Mass Effect, and we're heading to Noveria and dealing with everything associated with it, which probably will include the added side quests. Even though I already have the achievements for playing the majority of the game with Wrex and Tali, we'll continue to keep them in the party because damn it it's Wrex and Tali! 

And what will wrap up today's notes, we'll see ya later over on!

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Highlight: Phasmophobia (Episode 7)