Monday, October 5, 2020

Lineup for the week of October 4, 2020

Figuring out what to do for Friday's stream proved to be a little complicated as what I wanted to do was not possible (turns out Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe was a not a backwards comparable title on Xbox One). So on Friday this week we're going to mess around with Nickelodeon Kart Racers, a cheesy little racing game featuring characters from a handful of shows (TMNT, Spongebob Squarepants, Hey Arnold and Rugrats) It is fairly topical since it does have a sequel coming out on December, and I can use it to boost my Xbox Gamer Score!

All other days will be the same as last week with obviously Sunday already passing with Overwatch. Kingdom Hearts takes up Monday and Tuesday, Stranger Things on Wednesday, Star Trek Online on Thursday and Twitch Sings to start off Saturday!

Hope to see you all over at


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