Saturday, August 22, 2020

Quick Thoughts: Jackie Chan's First Strike

This week's Discord watch along was Jackie Chan's First Strike, starring of course Jackie Chan. It's been a long time since I sat down and watched it, so this was a real treat. Something that totally got my attention was how similar the limited music is to that of The Living Daylights, as the hook heard in the opening credits is very close in tone. Of course this movie has a spy plot and a couple of lines referencing James Bond so I can't be too surprised now that I think of it. 

The ADR dubbing is fine for the most part, but there are times where it can get really silly, most notably with some of the henchmen.Granted we were watching the New Line Cinema version of JCFS, so the dubbing was from the late 90s, which means it wasn't quite as sharp as things are today. 

Of course, Jackie Chan's stunts are the real highlight of this movie, in particular the ladder fight. Something that always sticks out about Chan's films is that since he did pretty much all of his own stunts, you get to see the effort going into every movement he makes, and be amazed at how coordinated everything is, while also keeping in mind that in the end credits there are going to be some outtakes involving the mishaps that happened along the way.

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