Monday, December 23, 2024

Achievements and Trophies For This Week

Amateur Putter
in Golf With Your Friends
Take 500 shots

Hole in one!
in Golf With Your Friends
Get a hole in one!

Ruins or Rink?
in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Peaceful Pines on Hockey

Savage Predicament
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "Savage Predicament" Fieldwork. (Secret)

It Belongs in a Museum!
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Collected all the missing Stelae. (Secret)

The Idol of Ra
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "The Idol of Ra". (Secret)

Go Get 'Em, Guardians!
in Marvel Rivals
As Rocket Raccoon, revive the Guardians of the Galaxy members 5 times.

in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Forest on Classic

Dunking in the Dark
in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Corrupted Forest on Dunk

Howe Did I Get Here?
in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Corrupted Forest on Hockey

The Iris Embraces You
in Overwatch 2
Restore 1250 health with a single use of Zenyatta's Transcendence in Quick or Competitive Play.

Your Own Medicine
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Disarmed an enemy with the whip and used his weapon to knock him out.

A Harsh Climb
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "A Harsh Climb". (Secret)

Into the Fire
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "Into the Fire". (Secret)

Celestial Delight
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Ate a Star Fruit.

The Kid Who Vanished
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "The Kid Who Vanished" Fieldwork. (Secret)

Poltergeist Discovered
in Phasmophobia
Successfully identified your first Poltergeist and survived

Myling Discovered
in Phasmophobia
Successfully identified your first Myling and survived

Bare Essentials
in Phasmophobia
Unlocked all tier one equipment

Hantu Discovered
in Phasmophobia
Successfully identified your first Hantu and survived

Fly, fly away!
in Golf With Your Friends
Get 10 birdies

Lost in the Past
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "Lost in the Past" Fieldwork. (Secret)

Tuned In
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Brought all radio frequencies to Gina.

Tour de Force
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Defeated all boxing champions.

Apple of Discord
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
An enemy was hit with an apple.

Belle of the Ball
in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Bouncy Castle on Dunk

Beneath the Surface
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Solved all mysteries in Sukhothai. (Secret)

A Slippery Customer
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Dodged a power punch.

A Study in Fear
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "A Study in Fear" Fieldwork. (Secret)

The Blessed Pearl
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "The Blessed Pearl". (Secret)

in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "Atonements". (Secret)

Bouncing on Ice
in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Bouncy Castle on Hockey

Paramour I
in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition
Establish a romantic relationship in Mass Effect 1, 2 or 3

First Aid Specialist
in Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
ME1: Use medi-gel 50 times

Colonial Savior
in Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
ME1: Complete the Bring Down the Sky mission.

Meritorious Service Medal
in Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
ME1: Complete Ilos

Medal of Honor
in Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
ME1: Complete the game on any difficulty


Sunday, December 15, 2024

Achievements and Trophies Earned This Week

Smart Is New Smash
in Marvel Rivals
As Bruce Banner, land 1 KO within 3 seconds of calming down from the Hulk to Banner.

Terror of the Ten Realms
in Marvel Rivals
As Hela, land a 3-player KO streak in Yggsgard: Yggdrasill Path.

A Story About My Goat
in Goat Simulator
I'm Sorry About My Goat Achievement

in Goat Simulator
Why did you step in that? Yuck

Ling Ling Into Battle Go
in Goat Simulator
Fight the turtles

Dodge This
in Goat Simulator
Make sure the Hillbilly never drives again.

Mattress Madness
in Goat Simulator
Bounce 100 times on mattresses within 30 seconds

Goat Of The Hill
in Goat Simulator
Everything the light touches is your kingdom.

The Golden Idol
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "The Golden Idol". (Secret)

The Break-In
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "The Break-In". (Secret)

Literary Bug
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Learned an ability from an Adventure book.

The Right Note
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Clobbered an enemy with a guitar.

Little Horn
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Cornetto eaten.

Hermes' Apprentice
in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Olympus Odyssey on Dunk

Three pointer
in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Dunk

Stay on Target
in Golf With Your Friends
Go out of bounds 50 times

Slapshot that on a Vase!
in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Olympus Odyssey on Hockey

Shoot out
in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Hockey

Field Survey
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Collected 50 Journal notes.

A Nun in Trouble
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "A Nun in Trouble" Fieldwork. (Secret)

in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Ernesto photographed. (Secret)

A Savage Discovery
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "A Savage Discovery" Fieldwork.

in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Captured 50 Photographs for your Journal.

in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Learned 10 abilities from Adventure books.

Flag Happy
in Microsoft Minesweeper (Windows)
Placed a flag on every single tile of a board in Classic mode.

Happens to Everybody
in Microsoft Minesweeper (Windows)
Triggered your first mine.

Speed Demon
in Microsoft Sudoku (UWP)
Completed a puzzle in less than 1 minute

Good Start
in Microsoft Sudoku (UWP)
Completed your first puzzle

Good Memory
in Microsoft Sudoku (UWP)
Completed a puzzle without using Notes

First Star
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Earned your first star in any Map.

Word Finder
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Found 30 words without getting all three stars.

Fast Finder
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Found 5 words in under 10 seconds (Single Player or Multiplayer).

A Hidden Path?
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Unlocked a Bonus Puzzle (in any mode).

The Twins Discovered
in Phasmophobia
Successfully identified The Twins

Yurei Discovered
in Phasmophobia
Successfully identified your first Yurei and survived

Challenger Approaching
in Phasmophobia
Completed a weekly challenge mode

Jinn Discovered
in Phasmophobia
Successfully identified your first Jinn and survived

Yokai Discovered
in Phasmophobia
Successfully identified your first Yokai and survived

in Phasmophobia
Completed 10 contracts

Back in Time For Tee
in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Peaceful Pines on Classic

Theme Party
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Found 50 Theme Words.

Exceptional Seeker
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Found a word worth over 45 points.

Gate Crasher
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Unlocked a Gate on a Map.
The Mad Priest
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "The Mad Priest" Fieldwork. (Secret)

Path of Junia
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Photographed all Inscriptions in Vatican City and returned to Antonio. (Secret)

When in Rome
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Solved all mysteries in Vatican City. (Secret)

The Stolen Cat Mummy
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "The Stolen Cat Mummy". (Secret)

Bread is Life
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Aish Baladi Bread eaten.

Pest Control
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Hit an enemy with a fly swatter.

Filling in the Blanks
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Revisited a location.

Homo Superior
in Marvel Rivals
As Magneto, assist Mutant allies 10 times.

Word Wielder
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Found 1,000 words across all game modes.

The Big One
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
In a Word Twister puzzle, found the Longest Word in the list first.

in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Found all expert words in a single puzzle.

Going Backwards
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Solved the Bonus Word Twister before getting the first 2 stars.

The Quick and the Jumbled
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Finished a game of Word Twister Quickplay with 3 stars

Get a Clue
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Finished a clue with at least 10 letters.

Self-Made Solver
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Obtained 3 stars on a crossword puzzle without using any hints.

Came To Play
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Played your first Daily Challenge.

Came To Win
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Won your first Daily Challenge.

Star Seeker
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Earned 100 stars in Wordament Adventure.

Vengeance for the Milano!
in Marvel Rivals
As Star-Lord, land 10 KOs with assists from the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Educated Tumbler
in Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Windows)
Found 50 Expert words.

A Little Tumble
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Pushed an enemy off a ledge.

Sanctuary of the Guardians
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "Sanctuary of the Guardians" Fieldwork. (Secret)

Secrets in the Sand
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Solved all mysteries in Gizeh. (Secret)

Secret of the Queen Mother
in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Completed "Secret of the Queen Mother" Fieldwork. (Secret)

in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Peaceful Pines on Dunk

Into the Void
in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Corrupted Forest on Classic

Castle Crashing
in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Bouncy Castle on Classic

Golf With Your Friends
in Golf With Your Friends
Play a hotseat or online game

Who's the food now?
in Golf With Your Friends
Get eaten by Gingy in the practice area

Search and Rescue
in Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
ME1: Locate Dr. T'soni in the Artemis Tau cluster

in Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
ME1: Complete the majority of the game

Asari Ally
in Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
ME1: Complete 5 missions with the asari squad member

in Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
ME1: Accumulate 75% of total possible Paragon or Renegade points

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Achievments and Trophies for this past week


You can be Max in Cricket 24
Used the Player Creator to name a custom player 'Max'

Runs On The Board in Cricket 24
Scored a run in any game mode

Smashed It! in Cricket 24
Hit a six in the Super Smash

What now? in The Walking Dead
A friend sets out in search of home.

Obake Discovered in Phasmophobia
Successfully identified your first Obake and survived

Oni Discovered in Phasmophobia
Successfully identified your first Oni and survived

What's in the bag? in The Walking Dead
Confronted a stranger.

Reunited in The Walking Dead
Found an old friend.

Two out of Three in The Walking Dead
Won a game of Rock/Paper/Scissors.

Onslaught! in Marvel Rivals
Land a 3-player KO streak.

Thumbs Up in Marvel Rivals
Upvote 1 player.

You Do You in Marvel Rivals
Use the customizable wheel once.

To Me, My X-Men! in Marvel Rivals
As Storm, assist X-Men members 10 times.

Master of Modes in Marvel Rivals
Complete 1 Arcade match.

LOEK Master in Goat Simulator
Find the Sanctum 2 Walker Statue

Angel Goat in Goat Simulator
Do no evil

Goats 'n' Stuff in Goat Simulator
Hold your own concert

A Story About My Elevator in Goat Simulator
Get up on the skyscraper without using the elevator

Alexander Goatstafsson in Goat Simulator
Win the title bout!

Rymdskepp I Rymden in Goat Simulator
Travel to space!

Snack Attack! in Marvel Rivals
As Jeff the Land Shark, swallow 4 enemies with a single use of It's Jeff!

Way of the Butterfly in Marvel Rivals
As Psylocke, contest the mission area for 60 seconds in a single match.

Multiverse Tour in Marvel Rivals
As Luna Snow, complete a match on 5 maps with different themes.

Victory in Bloom in Marvel Rivals
As Mantis, assist allies in achieving a team wipe.

Assemble! in Marvel Rivals
Team up with a friend for a match.

Vicious Vines in Marvel Rivals
As Groot, imprison 4 enemies with a single use of Strangling Prison.

Watch Your Step! in Marvel Rivals
As Peni Parker, blast 3 enemies with a single use of Arachno-Mine.

The Course Is That Way in Golf With Your Friends
Go out of bounds

Beginner Putter in Golf With Your Friends
Take 50 shots

Not enough time in the day! in Golf With Your Friends
Out of time

Friends in High Places in Golf With Your Friends
Play a full game of Olympus Odyssey on Classic

Archivist in Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
ME1: Find all primary Alien: Council Races, Extinct Races and Non-Council Races codex entries

Medal of Heroism in Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
ME1: Complete Feros

Charismatic in Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
ME1: Use Charm or Intimidate to resolve an impossible situation

Council Legion of Merit in Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
ME1: Complete Virmire

Royally intrigued in Overlewd
Complete Lili's 4th level empathy

Angels wanna have fun in Overlewd
Final empathy with Adriel

Monday, December 2, 2024

Achievments and Trophies Earned This Past Week

Recruit in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition
Kill 250 enemies in Mass Effect 1, 2 or 3

Honorarium of Corporate Service in Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
ME1: Complete Noveria

Heads and tails in Overlewd
Final empathy with Ulvi

Delightfully sinful in Overlewd
Complete Adrel's 4th level empathy

Shining silver in Overlewd
Complete Inge's 4th level empathy

Pony enjoyed in Overlewd
Complete Faye's 4th level empathy

Giant Slayer in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Defeat an ogre alpha.

Deep Roads Commander in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Complete a mission at the expedition table in the Legion of the Dead camp.

Fact Finder in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Help Shaper Valta discover secret dwarven history

Shaper of Stone in Dragon Age: Inquisition
End the earthquakes threatening the surface.

No More Training Wheels in Phasmophobia
Completed Training

Work Experience in Phasmophobia
Completed your first contract (Secret)

They're here in Phasmophobia
Witnessed a Poltergeist ability (Secret)

Phantom Discovered in Phasmophobia
Successfully identified your first Phantom and survived

Forever Marked in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Progress the story to unlock.

Chump Change in Phasmophobia
Spent $1

The Choice Is Yours in Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Decided to trust Pan has your best interests at heart.

Queen Without A Throne in Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Threw your lot in with Persephone.

Heartbreaker in Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
No harm in checking out all of your options.

Arrow Of Eros Undone in Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
There’s hope for him yet.

Lost In A Song in Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
You honoured Aphrodite’s decision and let her find peace.

Snake Charmer in Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
She was a victim too.

The Queen Of The Dead in Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Persephone finally claimed the throne.

Saying Goodbye in Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Made the difficult decision to let someone go.

Brand New Chorus in Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
They can no longer be trusted to lead.

Cunning in Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
They’ve learned not to underestimate you.

Together, Victorious in Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Melted Persephone’s icy heart.
