Sunday, July 31, 2022

Thoughts on every character in MultiVersus

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream was totally dedicated to MultiVersus, for well over four hours. I didn't just stick with one character, I rotated through everyone currently in the game.So here are my thoughts on the current roster. I had more losses than wins during the night, but I had a blast. In fact I was having so much fun I nearly forgot to take a break! Anyway here's my break down of the current cast of characters in the game.

Lebron James: The basketball gimmick is quite useful, but it's way to easy to eliminate yourself by trying to use a down ability to dunk someone who is trying to get back on the platform

The Iron Giant: Big and slow, does a lot of damage and hits like a brick. Hope you never get stuck with a random partner also playing the character because the match becomes a slog.

Taz: Played him before the nerf that is coming for his spin, I don't see what the issue was, I found him to be fairly solid.

Velma: As a support character, I couldn't figured her out, but using her as a brawler allowed me to spam her gimmicks.

Arya Stark: Getting behind opponents and attacking from behind is key, does have some nice recovery options.

Batman: His grapple hook is great to close in on enemies... but can also result in yeeting yourself off platforms.

Bugs Bunny: Fairly even kit, but apparently he's getting nerf. His air side special of a rocket is really useful to try and get a quick ring out.

Finn the Human: I really not sure what to make of FInn, when I fact him I get my ass kick, when I used him I couldn't quite understand how his skills worked.

Garnet: A close range bruiser, has rocket punches... other than that nothing stood out to me

Harley Quinn: My 'main', has a side special that should get you behind enemies to shoot them in the back.

Jake the Dog: Actually calls opponents bastards, has to be in close to be effective near as I can tell.

Rendog: has an ability to extend a shield around partnered players, total support character but can set up some traps.

Shaggy: The mascot of the game, total instinct Shaggy is one of two characters everyone gets to learn right off the bat. Not sure how to make him throw a huge sandwich.

Steven Universe: A support character that can set up a shield for a barrier, can also create a clone that if it gets ringed out makes you think he himself has been elininated.

Superman: Classic Big Blue, has some nice combos, I didn't get a good handle on how to have him fly.

Tom and Jerry: You're actually Tom with Jerry being your item. I find it funny they and Bugs are classified as Mages.

Wonder Woman: Like Shaggy, she is someone everyone gets to learn right from the jump. Has some great nature combos.

On a side note we did pick up a few achievements related to MultiVersus as well

MultiVersus Achievements

  • Spike Specialist: Get 10 Ringouts using the bottom of the blastbox
  • Bun-Puncher Supreme: Get 100 ringouts
  • Signature Slammer: Get 10 low damage ringouts
  • Toast Master: Give out 100 toasts to other players

Twitch Clips

For the raid, we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV over at!  

Now I had an Xfinity tech come out and what they checked was everything, with the key thing being replaced was a splitter that had three connectors to one that had two while making sure the internet is in the priority slot. Apparently Xfinity splitters divide up the signal a certain way with three connectors that was causing some issues, not to mention I learned exactly where the 'cut off' is for when power levels get to high (51) on the modem which causes intermittent issues. The stream itself had no issues what so ever which was good.

My copy of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] arrived yesterday afternoon, and I'm excited to see it is an ArcSys game that has a story mode.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout included Hip Shape Focus Combo, Intermediate Combo #2 and Straight Combo #2 for 28 minutes. Excellent chance we'll knock out the Bernardo's Champion achievement tomorrow

Fitness Boxing 2 Stats for the Month of July 2022

  • Punches Thrown: 36492
  • Estimated Calories Burned:15125.22 kcal
  • Bernardo's Champion Progress: 98% (49 out of 50 hours)
  • King EX Fighter Progress:94%
  • Fitness Boxing 2 Days In A Row: 597
  • Total days in a row: 755

Figured out the intro for the Watch Dogs commission fic, so now it's all about writing the action that is set up. Probably won't finish writing it until tomorrow or Tuesday.

It's the start of a new week, so let's recap what we played over the last week which was Overwatch, Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse, Ghostbusters Sanctum of Slime, Fall Guys, Cultist Simulator, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, Persona 5 Strikers and MultiVersus!

How do you catch a bra? With a booby trap.

How many tickles can an octopus take? Tentacles!

Song of the Day: Say So by Doja Cat

For tonight's stream Overwatch is on deck, so we'll hope for a smooth night with no issues. 

So on that note we'll see you later over on

Saturday, July 30, 2022

We Finished Persona 5 Strikers... No Thanks To Xfinity

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream had a 40 minute delay, granted it was started at 6:30 PM Eastern, but a ton of connection issues thanks to Xfinity pissed me off to the point I called them and blistered them on stream for it. The Rep I spoke too certainly went out of their way to not diffuse the situation by patronizing me when I told them exactly what was going on and then denying transferring to a Supervisor, and refusing to ask for when I would be available for a tech visit. Which turns out will be for today between 2 PM and 4 PM... whiih I was not aware of until after I called them back at 2 AM last night.

That said... once we got the connection stable after I did a third reset of my modem yesterday, things went mostly smoothly for the night as we had a straight forward approach to finishing Persona 5 Strikers. In fact, the story arc is extremely straight forward. I did rather enjoy Sophia unlocking her Persona... and just knowing it's name is Pandora prompted me to yell "put her back in the box". Since I was also using a guide, we had a real good idea of how to plan for the final boss of the game... in fact I split the team into 3 groups for the phase two portion (Panther, Makoto and Yusuke for the first part ; Morn, Noir and Skull for the second ... leaving Joker, Wolf and Sophie for the final) 

I did enjoy how every major plot point was wrapped up nice and neat, but what's left is basically a ton of grinding and monster hunting... which would be kind of a pointless because the last one requires a second full play through.... so maybe we'll reinstalled Persona 5 Strikers down the road just for the purpose of trophy hunting and grinding.

Now with Persona 5 Strikers finished, the next PS4 game will be Stray, which recently game out, and will be featured next Friday night.

Big thank you to all the viewers who did hang out and for the 300 bits, your continued support was greatly appreciated.

Persona 5 Strikers Trophies

  • A Newfound Heart: Sophia found strength of heart.
  • Humanity's Companion: Completed the Jail of the Abyss.
  • Walk Your Own Path: Completed the Tree of Knowledge.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in SheepFuzz who was playing Jackbox Party Packs over on!  

I have been struggling a bit with how I want to write the commission request for a Watch Dogs fic... I have an idea of how it should go, it's just questioning which details regarding an unneeded character that is holding things up. 

Song of the Day: When I Come Around by Green Day

I tried buying camouflage the other day but I couldn't find any.

What did one bean say to the other? "How you bean?"

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Beginner Combo #2, Advanced Combo #1 and Sway Back Combo for 34 minutes. We did pass 49 hours training with Bernardo,  but the exact time is unknown, so we'll either compete his Champion EX Achievement tomorrow or on Monday

Fitness Boxing 2 Stats For Week of 7/24 to 7/30, 2022

  • Punches Thrown: 8160
  • Estimated Calorie Burn:3325.72 kcal
  • Bernardo's Champion Progress: 98% (49/50 Hours)
  • King EX Fighter Progress: 94%

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

For tonight's stream, MultiVersus will be featured and it should be the only game we feature tonight, if all goes well. Hopefully the issues with Xfinity will be resolved or at least I'll have a better understanding of how to deal with them.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Friday, July 29, 2022

Xfinity Epically Fails Me Again

 Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Final Fantasy XIV was hampered with nearly a dozen instances of service issues thanks to Xfinity. While the stream didn't go down fully, the intermittent issues did see me actually getting booted out of FF14 twice... and thank goodness it wasn't in a raid, trial or some other group activity. Things were so weird last night that I even had frame drop issues indicating more of a problem than one would assume.

As for Final Fantasy XIV, I did manage to level up Dragoon just by picking up various quests I've skipped over because they were unrelated to the main story, just things to add flavor to the game... like a side-dish... hence why they are called side quests. Also did some fishing, and dedicated time to gaining a couple of levels on botanist to put it in striking distance of finishing it's story, which I mid do to open up next Thursday's stream.

On a side note, I was awarded an Amazon gift card from my job, which we promptly used to pick up Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late[Cl-R] for the PlayStation 4 which from what I understand, is the definitive version of Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late. I do hope it has some sort of story mode to help flesh out the characters because when I played the vanilla version via Steam a few years ago, I did like  the concepts they were featuring

On a side note, a bit of personal trivia was corrected, when it came to the ate of when I got a  'visor' I from the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, PA. It was during a Star Trek exhibit, and I knew the year was 1994... but I thought it was February, but in reality, it was November of that year. The exhibit itself ran from October through December that year.

Twitch Clips

No raid last night, but we did host Starvexia who was playing Synth Riders over on

Was great to see DaemonsW0lf getting in a stream as they were playing Layers of Fear yesterday afternoon over on It was out right hilarious!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Uppercut Combo #1, Waist Shape Focus Combo and Hook Combo #1

Rumor is saying that Sasha Banks and Naomi could end up returning to the WWE... and I ask why? Why bring them back... in particular, why bring Sasha Banks back to only once again reward her for having a hissy fit for not getting her way.  

Put in some more practice with MultiVersus after the stream, and I did more than just use Harley Quinn, as I tried out Wonder Woman and Finn in a couple of matches. I'll say this when there are two or more of the same character on screen it gets really hard to keep track of whose who, specifically if there are duplicates on the same team and the only way to tell which one I am is by a yellow outline.

MultiVersus Achievements

  • Rightie Specialist: Get 10 Ringouts using the right-side of the blastbox
  • Southpaw Specialist: Get 10 Ringouts using the left-side of the blastbox
  • You're Getting Pretty Good At This!: Get 50 ringouts

Why does Waldo only wear stripes? Because he doesn't want to be spotted.

I witnessed an attempted murder earlier—fortunately only one crow showed up!

Song of the Day: Ex's & Oh's by Elle King

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:  

For tonight's stream the plan is to play Persona 5 Strikers, but we also have a Thunderstorm expected to hit my area as well... so we may do a little switch around just in case, because heavy knows the PS4's are temperamental machines when it comes to sudden power outages.

So on that note we'll see you later over on

Thursday, July 28, 2022

I'm leaning Raider in Fallout 76

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Fallout 76 saw some heavy story progress done as it relates to getting into Vault 79... and considering all the trauma I went through finding Lou and Ra-Ra on the Raiders side of the story I'm heavily leaning towards siding with the Raiders just for the simple fact I used a ton of ammo to reach them, so one could say I'm invested in seeing how the story progresses. Got so bad at one point I was facing the 'boss', a multi-star Legendary sentry bot with only a revolver and a short rifle... which left me running around ducking for cover and trying to do sneaky ranged attacks.

We were of course joined by Iceman for some leavling up on the scoreboard side of things, using his Fallout 1st. It is always great to have him join in on the fun! Also at this point Fallout 76 has 63 achievements, and I have 49% of them, so slowly but surely I'm getting things done in this game.

We did have a couple of instances of stream lag, thankfully none of it fully effected the game play... I think But good news is that the stream didn't go fully down so everything stays in one VOD. 

Fallout 76 Achievements

  • Gold Rush: Gain 300 gold bullion

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on Oldish22 who was playing Final Fantasy XIV over at

I didn't notice until after the stream that the latest Logitech update really screwed with my mic settings as it pertained to things like mic gain. I sweat every time Logitech updates something it breaks one thing or another and takes forever to figure out what went wrong.

So the trailer for a movie on Hulu called Prey... it looks lame as hell.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Triple Combo #1, Weaving Combo #2 and Straight Combo #1 for 28 minutes.

Messed around some more with MultiVersus and discovered that the game does have a similiar unlock system for different builds and perks to what Paladins had early in its life and that each character can unlock the abilities from other characters. Actually this is probably closer to Dead by Daylight now that I think about it. Still I have continued playing as Harley Quinn because why the hell not. 

MultiVersus Achievements

  • Aerial Specialist: Get 10 Ringouts using the top of the blastbox
  • Credit Where It's Due: Give out 5 toasts to other players
  • Nice Speech: Give out 10 toasts to other players
  • Stepping Out: Win 10 Matchmade games
  • You Mean Business: Get 30 ringouts

You hear about the man who sells dynamite? Business is booming.

I gave my seat on the bust to a blind man. They fired me as driver.

What's big, gray and doesn't matter? An irrelephant.

Why did the snowman pick through a bag of carrots? Because he was picking his nose.

Song of the Day: Hungry Like The World by Duran Duran

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

For tonight's stream we'll be playing Final Fantasy XIV, most likely a bit of leveling and dailies will be done. So on that note we'll see you later over on

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Well That Attempt In Cultist Simulator Was Epic

Good morning everyone

Last night's stream of Cultist Simulator was unexpected in the fact I did the entire stream without dying until the very end when I just had no clue of what to do. We finally found 'The Woods' which unlocked a lot of possibilities to see how deep the game can get, and also found another called 'The White Door'. I think I found a pretty solid balance of balancing various things, so I'm guessing a possible plan would be to quickly build up painting as a 'job' and building up the funds to do expeditions. Also I really need to stop sending my followers off on dangerous assignment.

Not totally sure when we'll play it again, but at least I feel like I learned enough to not have totally botched attempts as were the case with my first attempts last week.

Cultist Simulator Achievements

  • In the Midst of my Life, in a Dark Wood: The Wood grows around the walls of the Mansus. As any student of Histories knows, the Mansus has no walls.
  • Speechless at Sunset: Speech may not pass the White Door, but I may.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on Hawleigh who was playing Stray over at!   

As seen as the start of the stream, we finally added the 5th volume of the Life is Strange comic series to offically complete the set. I actually through I had it already. We also added a new Funko figure of Ed and Ein from Cowboy Bebop, giving me 25 Funko figures total.

Oddly enough I had more issues with my internet connection during the afternoon, and not during the stream. Did seem like a total service issues as I saw the blue light of the main cable box flashing.  

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Double COmbo #2, Body Hook Combo and Weaving Combo #1 for 31 minutes.

Work was kind of bleh yesterday, mostly due to switching from assignment to another with the second assignment just being really dull when it came to the few number of interview attempts.

Song of the Day: Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood

How much does the heaviest skeleton weigh? A skeleton.

What did the drummer name her twin daughters? Anna One, Anna Two. 

Messed around a bit with MultiVersus last night following the stream to get a handle on it in anticipation for streaming it, and it's solid, it's probably a little easier to follow than Super Smash Battles, and has a higher quality to it than Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl. So I'm looking forward to giving it a whirl on stream. Also... early on, I'm a Harley Quinn main.

MultiVersus Achievements

  • Matchmaker: Play 1 matchmade game

People are shocked that with the start of training season that all the attention on Philadelphia sports is now on the Eagles and not the Phillies. Folks, that's basically how it goes year after year, even when the Phillies had that stretch of success from 2007 to 2011, the Eagles were always the priority. 

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:  

For tonight's stream, we're playing Fallout 76 with the intention of advancing some story lines, doing daily / weekly challenges and just having fun. We may be joined by Iceman for some fun as well!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

A Triple Header on A Monday

Good evening everyone, 

I actually had this written at 11:30 AM this morning but forgot to hit publish!

Last night's stream ended up featuring three different games, leading off with Disney's Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse... and it took me five less hours to finish it than it did originally (my original attempts of the Steam version took a combine 7 hours spread between 2014 and 2018.) One thing that stood out to me was how much I actually remembered in terms of patterns with some of the big bosses,the same can't be said about some of the platforming as I certainly was missing jumps at various points. It was a fine game to revisit, but knocking it out in 2 hours meant extra stuff.

So I took the opportunity to tackle a bit of Ghostbusters Sanctum of Slime, and showed the fact that the game does detect someone else is looking to have a lobby, except it's been the same person every time I've checked. We managed to cover the first two levels and a good portion of the third, which I believe is as far as I've ever gotten with the PS3 or Steam versions of the game. It was nice to get some footage of it.

Lastly we kicked things over to Fall Guys to close things out, mostly knocking out daily challenges... and actually game in first with in Squads... and had a good shot at finishing in first as a Solo and a Duo. So a real positive night on all fronts.

Minus the small stream interrupt that occurred during the Castle of Illusion portion, but the stream was not split so we'll take that as a win. Also we got achievements in all three games, so that's going to be a bit of a list here. 

Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Achievements

  • Pretty Picture:  Unlocked a Castle Painting.
  • Disillusioned: Broke the illusion of 75 enemies
  • Illusion Breaker: Broke the illusion of 25 enemies with projectiles.
  • Fortune Hunter: Found 50% of all Magic Diamonds.
  • Masters of Illusions: Defeated Mizrabel and rescued Minnie.

Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime Achievements

  • SPEED DEMON: Get 100% score with the trap.

Fall Guys Achievements

  • Head Turner: Equip a legendary Body Colour, Pattern, Upper and Lower Costume piece
  • Show Off: Win an Episode with a custom Punchline equipped

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on xTragedy who was playing Grand Theft Auto V over at

Sad to hear that David Warner has passed away, as he was one of those actors that seemed to pop up in so many different movies. I did enjoy him as the Klingon Chancellor Gorken in Star Trek VI.   

Song of the Day: White Wedding Part 1 by Billy Idol

What do you call a deer with no eyes? No eyed deer.

Why are groups of fish so smart? Because they travel in schools.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Left-Right Step Combo, Beginner Combo #1 and Hook Comb #2 for 28 minutes

Played some Smite following the stream, and actually had a match as Nike where I had 12 kills 11 assists and no-deaths. It was pretty damn cool... if it was streamed I would've segmented out the entire match!. 

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

For tonight's stream we're going to give Cultist Simulator another look to see if I can actually figure anything out. The decision for tonight's stream was very easy considering how we quickly we got through Castle of Illusion last night and I said last week Cultist Simulator is a 'throw to' game.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Monday, July 25, 2022

Getting Things Started For The Week

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Overwatch was fairly good, we had two minor instances of network issues but the stream didn't split into multiple parts like Saturday night's did. Big thanks to PandasSweet for being apart of several matches, Characters that I used for this week's Overwatch session included, Reinhardt, Wrecking Ball, Orissa, Moira, Tracer,Ashe, Junkrat, Torbjourn, Cassidy and Mei. Managed to squeeze out an epic Play of the Game as Mei, getting credited for a a quarda-kill with her Blizzard ultimate. So super fun times in that regard.

Also yes, I did break out Wakko's America during last night's stream as well for a bit of singing nonsense.

I was also unaware that the 2nd Beta phase for Overwatch 2 ended this past week, I was not expecting it to be shorter than the first one. Oh well.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on andrewshaman who was doing a Just Chatting stream over at The raid was guided by BangBangBang713 who redeemed a channels points reward.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Body Uppercit Cobmo, Body Straight Combo and Advanced Combo #2 for 31 minutes.

Finished the commissioned fic request based around Star Wars: The Force Unleashed before last night's stream, and I think I did a fairly decent job adjusting Shaak Ti's fate to having her survive her jump into the Sarlacc Pit. Also picked up another requests for a commissioned fic based around the game Watch Dogs... which will be a challenge because I have not played that! 

Now of course me saying I haven't played something comes across as odd when you figure that I have played so many games over the years, but there are more things that I haven't gotten to for one reason or another. 

Messed around a bit with Fallguys and Ghostbusters Sanctum of Slime following the stream to  try and bang out a few achievements, and was successful at my intended goals.

Fall Guys Achievements

  • Shopping Spree: Unlock 10 cosmetic items from the store
  • Down to the Wire: Qualify after a round goes to overtime
  • Bargain Bucket: Equip an uncommon or better Body Colour, Pattern, Upper and Lower Costume piece

Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime Achievements

  • ROCKSTAR: Destroy all the expensive LCD televisions in the hotel.

Why did the toilet paper roll downhill? To get to the bottom.

What's the best name for a man who can't stand? Neil. 

Song of the Day: The Bones by Maren Morris

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

For tonight's stream, there is going to be a bit of a toss up depending on the weather, as we're expecting a thunderstorm. If it isn't too bad we'll start up Castle of Illusion, but if I feel it's going to be rough, we'll mess around with Cultist Simulator.

Of course considering the heatwave that has been pounding South Jersey as of late, the thunderstorm will do a great job of breaking up the heat... so on that unsure bombshell we'll see you later over on!

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Xfinity Butchered A Great Stream

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream suffered a series of interruptions caused by Xfinity, which resulted in the stream being split into 4 parts. It's been a while since things were that bad to force a complete split in the stream, which meant that 15 minutes of loss footage. 

Anyway last night we lead off with NFL Game Day 98... and... quite frankly I was terrible at it, in two full games played, I didn't score a single touch down. While the controls and way to play were similar to the original NFL Game Day, the game's A.I.was just brutal even on the easiest settings. Unfortunately, a good portion off footage from the NFL Game Day 98 portion of the stream is what was loss. On a positive note, NFL Game Day 98 still looks pretty good for a game from 1997. Next time I play a football game on stream, we'll jump to Madden I think

Next on the night was Bio Freaks, and once I saw and realized it was a Midway game from the late 90s, I realized there was going to be a bunch of hokey shit to deal with, mostly from the game's A.I. See Midway was notorious for having some brutal difficulty spikes in its games, and that popped up in a big way. I did play as a few characters, but the controls were rather cumbersome, resulting in some Tekken like struggles in trying to see what did and did not work.

Speaking of Tekken, we finally played Tekken Tag Tournament 2, and I am counting it as a game finished because of going through the arcade mode and then learning character endings can be unlocked via the Ghost Fight option. We spent the majority of the stream with TTT2, and while some if its difficulty spikes were a bit 'mean' at times, it certainly wasn't frustrating beyond me realizing them mistake I made when I lost. Also, this was the PS3 version of the game, so we unlocked several trophies.Also... this game has no analog movement controls which is really fucking weird.

On a side note, since we had to install Tekken Tag Tournament 2 onto the PS3, that meant waiting for a long time for that to happen. The PlayStation 3 never had great install times... then again the PS3 was not really a great system, as many developers have stated over the years.

Big thanks to the chat for kicking in 300 bits during the stream, your support is always appreciated, especially on a night when things were going wrong.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Trophies

  • Insane Juggler: You dealt more than 62 damage in a midair combo.
  • Oodles of Ukemi: You pulled off 3 ukemi.
  • PERFECT Player: You won a PERFECT battle.
  • Doused But Not Out: Your upper body got wet in the Fallen Garden stage.
  • Preeminent Partner: You cleared an Offline Mode arcade battle with a partner.
  • Lead Coach: You dealt a total of 1000 damage in Practice in Offline Mode.
  • Touch-Up Artist: You customized a character
  • Dance to Your Own Beat: You changed the background music using TEKKEN TUNES.
  • Combot, On Standby!: You cleared Stage 1 in Fight Lab.
  • Tenacious Fighter: You won 3 team battles in Offline Mode.
  • Renovation Time: You broke a wall.
  • Stick It to 'Em: You pulled off 10 homing attacks.
  • Geronimooo!: You broke a balcony.
  • Who You Gonna Call?: You defeated 30 ghosts.
  • Below the Belt: You pulled off 3 low parries.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we drooped in on x9abenonymous9x who was playing Fortnite over at!   

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Defensive Combo #1, Uppercut Combo #2 and Double Combo #1 for 28 minutes.

I do have to finish that Star Wars commissioned story request, I did get a good chunk done on Wednesday with that unwanted day off... maybe I can knocked out this afternoon.

It's the start of a new week, so let's look back at last week with a video of everything we featured which included Overwatch, Persona 4 Arena, Cultist Simulator, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, Persona 5 Strikers, NFL Game Day 98, Bio Freaks and Tekken Tag Tournament 2!

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:     

Looking ahead to this upcoming week, I'm thinking this will be the line up

Monday: Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Tuesday: Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse or Cultist Simulator
Wednesday: Fallout 76
Thursday: Final Fantasy XIV
Friday: Persona 5 Strikers (Possibly Finishing)
Saturday: Madden 98 & Other Nonsense

For tonight's stream, the plan of course is Overwatch and hopefully last night's problems will not carry over to this evenings activities. 

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Another Chapter Of Persona 5 Strikers Finished

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Persona 5 Strikers was pretty epic as we covered a number of achievements and the entire Osaka / Cage of Arrogance story arc. The use of deep personal trauma to justify the actions of the various villains has been a great in humanizing the antagonists, but one thing is really clear, that the message of humanity putting its faith into one thing will be the climax of the story, much like how it was for the original Persona 5 story.

Now I did reached the point in the 'requests' to where side bosses to unlock more powerful Personas is a thing, which means having to have a good idea of various match ups are going to be key. If was I was going for 100% completion of all the trophies then I would do them, but the clues and guides are really unclear about where they are located at.

I said it in a video for my YouTube channel that I am glad Yoshizawa is not apart of the events of Persona 5 Strikers, because there is just no place for her, I really can't see how she could provide anything insightful beyond giving a repeated line of dialog of how she eventually got past her own trauma. 

Now with that I understand, what's left is one more large jail for exploring and then taking care of the big boss that apparently has two stages. Hopefully I'll be able to find enough items to restore SP to make it more manageable, because SP management was an issue last night.

Persona 5 Strikers Trophies

  • Master Thieves: Obtained all Master Arts for all characters.
  • Repentant Fang: Obtained all Master Arts for Wolf.
  • Know Your Enemy: Hit the enemy's weakness 300 times.
  • All That Glitters: Defeated 10 Treasure Demons.
  • Those Who Heed the Call: Completed 50 requests.
  • Cage of Arrogance Cracked: Completed the Osaka Jail.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on YrGamerBunni who was playing Divinity: Original Sin II over at!  

Work was rather... long yesterday... because I didn't really get to sleep the previous night, and  I got shut out in getting a complete interview. Way too many folks fell into categories that fell outside of the parameters we were looking for... so the day just dragged.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Defensive Combo #2, Triple Combo #2 and Front-Back Step Combo for 28 minutes

Fitness Boxing 2 Stats For July  17-23, 2022

  • Punches Thrown: 8613
  • Estimated Calories Burned: 3552.77 kcal
  • Bernardo's Champion Progress: 90% (45/50 Hours)
  • King EX Fighter Progress: 94% Completion
  • Days In A Row: 589 (747 Counting Fitness Boxing)

I have not stopped my Stargate SG-1 re-watch, I just haven't had time to sit down to watch the next episode.

Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the P is silent.

I'm not sure if I buy into Vince McMahon's announced retirement... it just strikes me as odd, and having Co-CEOs just reeks of possible problems for the WWE as a company. 

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:    

For tonight's stream we're going to do some random stuff and take it easy, I certainly need a chill night.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Friday, July 22, 2022

Casual Dailies In FFXIV

Good morning everyone,

It's Friday, the weekend is here, but with how climate change has turned up the heat everywhere, I'm hoping everyone is being as cool as possible.

Last night's stream of Final Fantasy XIV was mostly without incident, but I did have a couple of hiccups that saw me booted from the game. Still the stream remained in one piece. One of the highlights was me looking up lyrics to some songs from the animated series Histeria, and mostly doing them right.

PandaSweet joined in for a lot of fun as we tacked a bit of fishing, plus a trip through the various dailies (Expert, Dungeon, Trial, Alliance Raid and Normal Raid). I also did a bit of progress with my role as Dragoon, knocking out the level 40 job quest, plus an extended trip through the Palace of the Dead. So all in all a pretty easy going night.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on Redneck_23 who was playing America Truck Simulator over at

Had a hell of a time trying to get to sleep last night, so I ended up playing some Overwatch matches, and picked up a pair of Plays of the Game as 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Biceps Shape Focus Combo, Difficult Challenge Combo #1 and Intermediate Combo #1 for 34 minutes.

During the stream I was asked by LvStkr if I have ever played Fighting History, and the answer at the time was no I haven't. Now I was aware of Fighting History, at it was a game that basically caused Capcom to lose a lawsuit over the entire concept and idea fighting games. Now I did sit down to play it this morning, granted it was the SNES port which is currently apart of the SNES portion of the Nintendo Switch Online feature. Going through the standard arcade mode with Feline, I had a fairly straight forward time getting through it. I actually found Fighting History to be better than Street Fighter II in some regard.

Work was pretty solid yesterday, even if I only got in 80%R of my hours, but I didn't know I had even that until 10 AM.  But I do know I got more hours today so that's good.

What did one wall say to the other? "Meet me at the corner!" 

Found out Ghostbusters: Sanctum of the Slime, Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and DuckTales: Remastered are all games that are backwards compatible on the Xbox side of things. We have featured and finished Castle of Illusion and DuckTales via Steam a few years ago, but this gives us a great opportunity to break out my lame platforming skills. 

The Ghostbusters game is a twin-stick shooter, which does have online play as an option, however it appears you have to create a session in advance with other players instead of just starting a session and hope others join in. I have played it before, never really getting to far in the PS3 and Steam versions, but since the lobbies for the Xbox 360 version still work we may give it a whirl. Oh and I did play a bit of Ghostbusters: Sanctum of the Slime, the online lobbies to appear to work as it did recognize both Quick Match and Find Game options. 

Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime Achievements

  • ROOKIES: Finish the first level.

You know what's also funny, Street Fighter III 3rd Strike Online Edition for the Xbox 360 can still be purchased, and I'm surprised it was pushed into the backwards compatible list of games considering it's reputation. Maybe I should just track down a working 360 on the secondary market to dive into games that are basically locked to that console generation. Where would I put it is a real question.

Thousand Arms was trending lately, as someone review has peaked interest into the Dating Sim / JRPG hybrid from the late 90s. Thankfully I still have my copy of the game

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:    

Of course for tonight's stream we shall be continuing Persona 5 Strikers, as we'll be getting into the next major part of the story. I was wrong, there are two major jails / palaces left, so I figure we may finish the game within two or three streams. Depends on how much extra stuff I come across doing.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Casually Doing Brotherhood of Steel Quests

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Fallout 76 did have two partial interruptions, but the stream was not split into multiple parts. 

Anyway, a big focus was gradually doing the Brotherhood of Steel quests, which should be done well after anything involving Foundation and the Crater, but hell, the game as no real continuity as far as I can tell when it comes to getting things done. There were a few intense battle situations as it seems like enemies were hitting a lot harder this week, and I have made up my mind that I don't like Knight Shin.

Beyond that, a lot of challenges were done as I got banged out quite a few to gain several levels on the scoreboard. Sure I used what Atoms I did managed to acquire to boost a few levels, but hey things were done.

Big shoutout to Iceman for being apart of the weekly fun, as we started back on getting some of his main quests done, which does mean revisiting things I've done. Considering all his help with The Division and The Division 2, it's about time I get to act as the back up support!

Huge thank you to the viewers in the chat who kicked in 600 bits over the course of the stream, which was really cool and greatly appreciated!.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on PradoxGamerAU who was playing No Man Sky over at

Finished writing the Bella Twins commission request yesterday, and promptly got another one based around Star Wars Force Unleashed which I have not played. Good thing there is a partial transcript online I can use to piece something together. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Difficult Challenge Combo #2, Block Combo and Difficult Challenge Combo #3 for 34 minutes. My timing felt a bit off today, as I had more misses than normal when it came to Left and Right Uppercuts from both the Orthodox and Southpaw stances

The 76ers announced they plan to have a privately owned arena in the Fashion District of Philadelphia... but I can almost guarantee that's not going to happen, because 20+ years ago the Phillies tried to get a stadium built in the same area and it was shot down hard by the city.

Xfinity was really under performing this morning as I had a number of issues and connection hangs.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

For tonight's stream Final Fantasy XIV is on deck, as we may do various raids, trials and dailies plus maybe work on leveling up some things. We shall see.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

A Night of Cultist Simulator

Good morning everyone,  

For last night's stream we checked out Cultist Simulator, which is available on Steam... and it is basically what it's advertising, it's a simulator of forming and maintaining a cult. Set in the early 1900s, there are several branching paths, and a lot of luck, resource management. 

While the game may look simple, it's very complex as there are timers on everything, and there is a slight sense of anxiety when there are over a half dozen things to manage. There are a number of random effects that can occur, and the way to fend off things like dread, restlessness and other factors can cause a ton of headaches. It is very easy to lose track of things, as I proved several times when things look like progress was was being made/

This is also a game where reading everything out loud (or summarizing) is kind of important for streaming, which should play to my strengths considering my day gig, but the font is rather small and blends too much with the background with it being a light blue on dark blue. May not seem like a factor, but I position my monitors to a fair distance away to avoid eye strain.

Now will we play Cultist Simulator again, more than likely yes, as it falls into the category of 'Throw To', as it's perfect for filling in a night between major games, splitting part of a stream with. .And if the rate of unlocking achievements for it are correct, it is clearly a game that would have me trying to figure out how to accomplish everything it has.

Big thanks to the community for kicking in 1000 bits during the stream, and to YrGamerBunni for gifting a sub to another viewer last night! The support is awesome!

Cultist Simulator Achievements

  • Where Will They Find Me?: My body died. Perhaps my spirit entered the Mansus.
  • Temple Unceasing: I dedicated myself to the drumbeat which can never end.
  • Order of the Bloody Cup: I dedicated myself to the mysteries of birth, blood and appetite.
  • No Worst, There Is None: Despair, the wolf that devours thought, devoured me.
  • The Clock Striketh Twelve: I honoured my agreement, but I did not have a friend.
  • Mirror of Glory: I dedicated myself to the understanding of the Light that leaks from a fiercer place.

Twitch Clips

 For the raid we dropped in on JusticePS who was also playing Cultist Simulator over at!   

We went ahead and added the digital version of Stray for the PS4 to the collection, so that is something we'll certainly check out as soon as possible.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily work out featured Intermediate Combo #2, Hip Shape Focus Combo and Straight Combo #2 for 28 minutes.

Trimmed up my hair last night, mostly sides and rear of the crown (top of the head), where my hair always grows in kind of a dual layer. If I can slide my fingers through the back of my hair and basically lift a good portion of it almost like the trunk of a car, then it's time to give it a trim. Also the decrease in hair volume in the back means I can comfortably rock a ponytail

I rather like the new Overwatch League exclusive skin for Mercy, as the medieval knight armor certainly fits with her often having dialog with Reinhardt and Brigitte, who also wear medieval style armor.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

For tonight's stream, Fallout 76 is on deck, as I'll try to advance some of my various quest lines, and of course we'll more than likely be joined by Iceman for some team-up fun!

So on that note we'll see you later over on! . 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

We wrapped up Persona 4 Arena

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream was pretty damn solid as we wrapped Persona 4: Arena in order to list as a game finished on this year's tour. This involved quickly re-going through Yu's story making only 'Choice A' for all dialog portions in order to get the secrete ending, now I did play out the content that was after the cliffhanger. Like with every other story chapter, the ending just sets up what takes place in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, which we'll eventually play to see how everything ends officially.

We also went through the arcade mode with every single remaining character that I didn't do runs with previously (Akihiko, CHie, Kanji, Shadow Labrys, Teddi, Yosuke and Yukiko) and doing their Instant Kill moves. However, I needed to do one more instant kill move in arcade mod for Yu, to get the overall achievement called BAM!. Also picked off the 'Denied Pets' achievement which basically involved me getting my ass handed to me by the A.I. on 'Hell Difficulty'... funny thing is I did hung in there, but Kanji on that difficulty setting just whooped my ass.

There was something that stood out about me when doing those arcade runs, and that's Teddie has a version of events that involves him meeting Labrys sooner while facing the fake shadow up himself before facing Shadow Labrys. I the change up in variety was a nice change of pace, particularly when some lines of dialog are clearly recycled  

Of course we do want to say thank you to the viewers in the chat for kicking in 300 bits, as well as to DaemonsW0lf for renewing their subscription to the channel for their 11th month! The support, as always, is truly appreciated!. 

But with Persona 4 Arena now wrapped, will I jump straight to Persona 4 Arena Ultimax... and the answer to that is no, for the simple reason that is a PS4 title, and we're currently dedicating PS4 streams to Persona 5 Strikers. Now I was using the Xbox Series S to playing Persona 4 Arena, so for certain, we'll be using the Xbox One S with whatever title I choose to feature next.

On a side note:the stream did have one hiccup but nothing major as everything was kept as one broadcast and not split in too!.

Persona 4: Arena Achievements

  • The Kingpin: Yu's Story chapter has been told.
  • The End of Everything: You have seen all the Story endings.
  • Time for the All-Out Attack!: You performed 100 All-Out Attacks in Arcade Mode or online.
  • Mystery Food X: Mystery Food X is yours!
  • Victory Cry: You won 30 Rounds in Arcade Mode or Online by using SP Skills or Awakened SP Skills.
  • Wild: You have used all the characters in Arcade Mode or Online. Variety is good for you!
  • Action!: You performed 100 Furious Actions in Arcade Mode or online.
  • Belt Collector: You completed Arcade Mode with all characters.
  • BAM!: You used every character's Instant Kill move in Arcade Mode or online!
  • Denied Pets: You lost in Arcade Mode or online before you Awakened... That's sad. Here's a consolation prize.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on AnnieTalksShow was was playing Uno and Phasmophobia over on!Also they will be doing a giveaway stream next Monday starting at about 7:30 PM Pacific Time / 10:30 PM Eastern Time. 

Got another commission request in the works as the next fan fic that was asked of me is to be set when Nikki Bella won the Divas Championship off of AJ Lee at Survivor Series. I think there was a post-match interview I can use for a set up and for references.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Beginner Combo #2, Advanced Combo #1 and Sway Back Combo for 34 minutes. 

Added the Halo Master Chief collection to the list of things to eventually tackle... one could imagine the struggles I'm going to have with that legendary series.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:  

For tonight's stream,  Cultist Simulator will be the game of the night, as recommend by YrGamerBunni! I've heard good things about this game, so I'm looking forward to trying it out!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!