Saturday, October 31, 2020

Today's Agenda 10/31/20

Happy Halloween!

Today began with Fitness Boxing as per normal, had a rough start with that as the Double Combo #2 had a pattern I don't see too often with this (Step-forward Jab, Jab, Step Back, Step-foward Jab, Straight, Step Back) which just tossed me for a loop. Other than, the rest of today's routine was pretty solid.

Last night we started the stream at 5:30 PM EST, because I had no work to do, first sign indicator that the next couple of months is gonna be tough in that regard. Still it meant the first 7 hour stream I've done in a while, which included things like Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Super Mario Bros 35 (finished in the top 3 twice), some drawing, Final Fantasy XV Comrades, Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix and Paladins. 

A quick review of NKR2:GP, is that while it doesn't have any voice-work to provided the characters some charm, there is a lot of unlockables that provide extra customization options. There doesn't seems to be any kind of online community, so any achievements associated with on-line play will be tough unless you find folks who looking to boost their way to completion.

Tonight's stream will be all about Twitch Sings, and I'll be in 'costume' with my N7 shirt and hoodie, and with luck I'll have some Mass Effect backgrounds to make any open seeds stand out. Also at 2 PM EST over in my discord, we'll be watching Ghostbusters II, which will be pretty fun.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Today's Agenda 10/30/20

Good Afternoon Everyone!

We got today off to a decent start, if a little late with Fitness Boxing with a 46 minute workout session. I did do things a bit out of order as I had breakfast before the exercising... so it was a bit weird.

Last night's Star Trek Online stream went about 3 hours, as we wrapped up the New Ftonier story-arc for my Cardassian Captain in the Klingon Empire, which means next week we'll be doing the first half of the Gamma Quadrent arc, which of course involves the Deep Space Nine crew. On a side note, the ship I'm currently using for this character, the M'Chla-class Pilot Bird-of-Prey, is one of the worst ships in the game, particularly with a cannon build, as keeping the enemy ships in front is very problematic due to how awkward (and at will) the ship engages its afterburners / thrusters on its own. 

With the General Election next week, work for me starts to slow down as it's that time of year where things start getting a little tight with income, but the silver lining of this cloud is that I will have a few more hour avalible to do stream things. Which means tonight's stream will probably start earlier and we'll end up doing... different things as there is a good chance this will be a variety stream tonight over on

Of course with Today being Friday that means this week's commentary video is now up, and it's a review of Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull:

That will wrap up today's notes, see ya later!

Review - Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull

This week, I'm giving my thoughts on 2007's "Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull" published by Her Interactive.

If you are interesting in purchasing this game, use my Amazon Link:


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Today's Agenda 10/29/20

Hi everyone, as usual the day started with Fitness Boxing, which again saw a focus on cardio, and we also had to step on the scale today, and it appears I dropped two-tenths of a kilogram to get back to 120 KG (or 264 lbs). I hopefully will be able to drop below that weight, as I would love to get down to 113 KG (or 250 lbs), so I gotta keep at it. 

Last night's stream of Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull ended up being a six hour stream, partially because I got irritated as all hell regarding a 'puzzle' that was actually more of a mini-game involving 'bowling'. In a game where everything is logic based (or nearly everything, some stuff was quite cryptic), a glorified mini-game that revolves around angles and getting pixel-perfect positioning should not count as a puzzle. Now I did plan for Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull to be split into two streams, so finishing it one night means next week's plans are little... up in the air at the moment. That said, I'm considering making this week's commentary video a review of this particular game.

Tonight's stream of course will be at 9:30 PM EST, and the focus will be on Star Trek Online, there were some patch notes for this week: 

  • Resolved an issue that was causing slotted Experimental Traits on Starships to revert back to a previously selected trait when moving between maps. 
  • Updated the Mirror Universe Bundle description to list that it also includes the Mirror Hakeev Duty Officer in the Zen Store.  
    • This is a text change only.

 So nothing major, as per the usual since we recently got new content with the House Shattered event. Anyway, the plan will be to do three (maybe four) missions for my Cardassian in the Klingon Empire, then maybe do a Special Task Force Operation as well. I don't plan on this stream lasting more than four hours, at the very least it'll last three.We'll see you later over on!


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Today's Agenda 10/28/20

Hi folks, got up around 10 AM and had a killer 50+ minute workout session with Fitness Boxing, very heavy cardio workout that probably would've looked comical on Twitch is I streamed it. Anyway, later tonight I'll be playing Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull which is the 17th game in the series. Now while I have played Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill (well the remastered version), a lot of the games in the series (namely two to sixteen) have issues with being captured by OBS. Anyway we'll see you later again at 9:30 PM EST over on

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Fitness Boxing Resulys 10/27/20

Well I didn't wake up till 11 AM... got so cold I broke out the blankets and when you're all warm and snug in your bed the last thing you want to do is get up! Still I figured what the hell and did a Fitness Boxing stream today, pretty solid Cardio workout. Tonight's 9:30 PM EST stream over on will be focused on Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild!


Monday, October 26, 2020

Fitness Boxing Resulys 10/26/20

Day 112.... and I weighed in in at 120.2 KGs.... then again I had a bit of a binge eating fit this weekend at times... and slept a lot yesterday, so yeah a weight gain was probable. Still today's workout was solid, with it being straight up cardio. Tonight over on we'll be playing Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, that will start at about 9:30 PM EST!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Quick Thoughts: Ghostbusters

For yesterday's watch along, the featured movie was Ghostbusters (1984) starring Bill Murrary, Dan Aykroyd and Sigourney Weaver, with Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, Rick Moranis and Annie Potts in key supporting roles. Now what can one say about Ghostbusters that hasn't already been said, it's a classic, it's a movie that lead to a cartoon that many folks my age grew up watching, toys and comics, video games. Sure it was not aimed at kids but we were drawn to it because it was something unique and special... and I'm really hoping the next film, Ghostbusters: Afterlife which was pushed back to 2021 due to Covid-19, will be able to remind the world of that particular fact while continuing to bury the existence of the 2016 abomination.

Of course while re-watching it yesterday,  there were somethings that obvious stood out to me, and one is the constant reminder of just how tall Sigourney Weaver is, particularly in scenes where she's paired off with Rick Moranis and when she first goes to Ghostbusters HQ and looking down at Annie Potts who is sitting behind the reception desk. Whenever I try to think of another film that unintentionally (or intentionally) draws attention to Weaver's height, I fail to think of one, either because she ends up in movies where everyone she is sharing the screen with is around six-feet tall, or there is a lot of 'Tom Cruise style trick photography' being used to make her co-stars seem taller than they really are.

Now while some of the special effects hasn't aged as well as one would expect for a film that is going to be 40 years old in 2024, there was something that certainly looks increasingly dated and that's the sound stage set for Gozer's temple at the end of the film, where one can actually there is no depth to the surrounding New York skyline which is really noticeable on certain lighting effects. Also when the Ghostbusters are stumbling around when the structure is being shaken, it looks a little more silly than intended because the camera is incredibly still, so the illusion is a bit broken.

It's in regard to the continuity / editing of the film... while the pacing of the original Ghostbusters is fine, one does noticed that the montage that takes place following the Sedwick Hotel segment and some of the following scene don't exactly line up the way one expects if one is paying attention. The real noticable case is when Winston is hired, the film cuts to another scene and then back to Janine telling Peter that Peck from the EPA is in his office, which when you look at it one would assume it would've been continuous scene. I get why it's done, but it does make for a bit awkward timing.

Fitness Boxing Resulys 10/25/20

The one thing I hate about Fitness Boxing is that when you set the time to be 45 minutes it can easily turn into a 50 minute session depending on what routines the game seemingly selects at random. And that was the case today. Still it was a good workout and way to get Sunday started. Of course last night we had a lot of fun with Twitch Sings and even did some Mario Kart 8 things with Lunar_Princess, which added to the highlight reel for last week. Anyway I'll be on twitch later with Overwatch!

Best of the Week October 18-24, 2020

Here are highlights from the week of October 18 to 24, 2020 for my twitch channel ( This week's games included Overwatch, Stranger Things 3: The Game, Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Star Trek Online, Among Us, Twitch Sings and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Fitness Boxing Results 10/24/20

 So following last night's Among Us stream, I had the wild idea of doing some open duets on Twitch Sings, while fooling around with OBS's virtual cam function to have a Mass Effect style background... meaning I have a bunch of open duets that feature me wearing my new N7 hoodie while Garrus and Tali are dancing behind me. It's pretty silly. Anyway I didn't get to bed until like 4 AM, then to my dismay I woke up at 6:30 AM, I tried to get back to sleep, couldn't, then just did a Fitness Boxing stream. I did say if I wake up before 9 AM I would do a workout stream, so things worked out good there. Anyway, today's plans include a watch along of Ghostbustest (1984) in my discord at 2 PM ESTand then doing a Twitch Sings stream at 7 PM over on my twitch channel:

Friday, October 23, 2020

Fitness Boxing Resulys 10/23/20

We had a nice start for today, although I did intend to wake up earlier than I have been in order to stream today's session. I pretty much prefer to do Fitness Boxing streams before 9 AM EST as I feel workout streams do much better earlier (at least statistically it does according to Twitch insights) . Maybe tomorrow we'll have better luck of getting my fat ass out of bed. Speaking of which, my weight has been hovering around 120 kilograms (264 pounds) as of late, so I'm wondering if I've plateaued.

Indiana Jones & The Fate Of Atlantis: Why Is It One Of My Favorite Games Of All-Time

This week, we broke out Indiana Jones & The Fate Of Atlantis for a Twitch stream because we had a opening in the line-up, and I figure it would be a nice topic for this week's commentary!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

What Is It Like Interviewing Trump Supporters

Let me begin this by saying that my 'day job' involves me having to remain neutral and unbiased, because I work in the realm of market research, and often that involves asking respondents from all sides political questions. I entered this profession when Barack Obama was in office, and even though I thought he was a mediocre President at best, I can safely say when it came to the thousands of people I've spoke to,  that most of then respected the way he represented the office of being President of the United States. To further enhance that, let me point out that I probably interview more conservatives than liberals and moderates on a ration of 3:1 on any given day. People seem to understand that not everything involved the then President of the United States and that listening to what was being asked made sure their answers were inline with their actual opinions.

The same cannot be said about Trump, for he certainly has made trying to interview anyone more of a heated hassle than it needs to be, because his supporters emulate his behavior. Think about how much of a cry-baby Trump is, and how much of a pussy he acts like... now realize there are thousands of Americans out there who use his behavior to justify their own, while being just as uninformed about the reality of what's going on in the world. Let me give you an example, a standard question that appears on most polls is 'Do you Approve or Disapprove of the Job (Blank) is doing as (Blank)", it's a simple question with two choices.... the average Trump Supporter can't give a straight answer on that question, much like the man himself, they will go off on tangents complaining about the same things Trump does while avoiding to give a direct answer. I can safely say when when Mr. Obama was in office, no matter if I was speaking with his supporters or detractors, getting an answer to a simple question was not like trying to

Now let go further down this rabbit hole, another trait of these clown are that much like Trump himself, his supporters believe everything revolves around him. For example, let say that on a ballot there's an issue surrounding industrial hemp, which is an issue that is often up for debate in certain regions of the country and has been for years to where it's more a local state issue than it is a national one. Somehow Trump supporters will turn this issue into being about him when the two are not connected, or if the question is being asked in the form of how it would appear on a ballot during an election. Don't get me started on if they are presented points and counter-points from those who support and oppose an issue, Trump supporters will come across as little more than copy-cats of the man himself.

But what if I'm interviewing people about something not related to the elections or politics, what if I'm asking questions about the reputation of local area hospitals. Trump supporters will assume that's about him too, which has become quite common thanks to how he dropped the ball in regards to COVID-19. Trump supporters get on their high horse in praise of him when all I'm trying ask is if 'Does (Insert Hospital Name Here) have a very good, good, fair or poor reputation', I am not kidding about this. 

I could go on and on, but let me state from a professional stand point, I hope to whatever god or gods or goddesses or what not is out there, that Trump loses and loses big in the upcoming election, so that my job can be normal again.

(Or that I suddenly become huge on twitch and don't have to worry about having a day job)

Fitness Boxing Resulys 10/22/20

Today's results, kept it on a Maintenance workout in order to work on some movements I was unhappy with. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Fitness Boxing Resulys 10/21/20

Today's Fitness Boxing Results, I'm very much leaning towards streaming these sessions once a week, probably on Saturday Mornings, mainly because of those occasional frustrations of having to shuffle my feet to make sure the game tracks my movements. (also to cut down on my swearing)

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Fitness Boxing Results 10/20/20

No workout stream this morning, but kept the daily workout routine going. Also due to finishing up Stranger Things 3: The Game last night (making it the 40th game finished this year), tonight's stream over will feature Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis! Stream will start at 9:30 PM EST. We'll also be starting up Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Wednesday night. 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Fitness Boxing Results 10/19/20

 We got the day started in a good way, even if I was a little sluggish at times! 


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Fitness Boxing Results 10/18/20

 There was no stream to go with today's workout because of excess noise that I knew was going to be problem, but as I was setting up I couldn't get the right audio mix. Annoyed as hell at this very moment because I have noticed some folks tune in for the Fitness Boxing streams that don't for the normal nightly ones. 


Quick Thoughts: Adventure of a Lifetime

Visual Novels are a funny thing, as typically they are basically center around a male protagonist with a couple of love interests set in an slice of life anime world, some are more explicit than others while others have thought and substance to them. Adventure of a Lifetime (developed and published by MoeNovel) leans towards the later in this regard. 

The focus of this particular game is on Hiro, a young man heading to an island to help at a cafe being run by his grandmother, and he encounters Emily, a runaway who is a bit of a spoiled brat, and Chisa, his longtime friend whose a bit of a tomboy. Over the course of the game, these three are intertwined as Hiro and Chisa reconnect and Emily's intentions for running away from home are revealed, there is romance, comedy and a bit of drama here and there all of which are pretty standard fare.

So with an incredibly basic and typical premise, what makes Adventure of a Lifetime stand out, well for one it has a great soundtrack, and with the exception of Hiro who is the player, ever other character as voice-work done.... yes it's all in Japanese, but the game by default is in English as it relates to menus and text. plus with a little fudging with the settings you can basically set the game to auto-advance in time with the voice overs. Because of the voice work, Adventure of a Lifetime can push to be a 3-4 hour long experience if you're not looking to go through it as quickly as possible, but make sure you save on a regular basis as it did crash on me about half way through and there wasn't an auto-save feature. 

The art work is above average as well, with the usual set of character images and variants on a scene if locations are being revisited, with some chibi style scenes as well to push the more comedic elements.There is also a very well done animated video that you see about half-way through the game, which in many respects shows what Adventure of a Lifetime would look like if it was a fully-funded anime.

With two romance interests there are two positive endings with Hiro ending up with Emily or Chisa, so two complete play-through are in order, since there are choices to be made at key points to a) keep Hiro in good standing with both of them and b) making sure you pick one or the other. Of the two endings, one certainly works better than other in my opinion, but I'm not going to say which one because that would be spoiling it.

Following all that, I say if you are a casual fan of Visual Novels and are looking to get an easy set of Steam achievements, check out Adventure of a Lifetime.

Best of the Week 10/11-17, 2020

 Here are the moments of the week for my twitch channel ( for the week of October 11 to 17, 2020! Games included Overwatch, Kingdom Hearts, Stranger Things 3: The Game, Star Trek Online, Among Us, Fitness Boxing and Final Fantasy XV: Comrades!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Quick Thoughts: Hudson Hawk

This week over on my discord channel, we watched Hudson Hawk, a 1991 action-comedy starring Bruce WIllis, Danny Aiello and Andie MacDowell. The film sees Willis playing the role of Eddie Hawkins, a cat burgular who on the day he gets out of prison gets roped into a caper involving relics belonging to Leonardo da Vinci being mastered minded by Darwin and Minerva Mayflower (played by Richard E. Grant and Sand Bernhard) who want to dominate the world. It's very over the top and has a very quick pace, so if you're not paying attention to minor details you will get totally loss and feel like it's too much (much like how Gene Siskel and Robert Ebert were when they reviewed it 29 years ago)

The strength of Hudson Hawk as a film is the fact that from the first scene till the last scene, everything has a pay off. In the opening minutes we given a narration about da Vinci working on a bronze horse but needed more of the metal because it became scarce due to a war, so he creates a machine to turn lead to bronze, but the end result is lead being turned to gold. As if sensing the implication of such a device, da Vinci ponders what to as he takes the key components, goes to his work shop and we see him look at the codex, a scale model of the horse statue he was going to be working on and a model of his helicopter. All of which become key items in plot that Eddie is tasked to steal. Also in the opening we see a glider that becomes quite key in the film's climax as well as a woman posing for Mona Lisa who has really bad teeth, which is picked up as soon as the film transitions to 1991 when we see Eddie getting out of prison and the check out clerk has the same bad teeth. There are numerous sets ups and call backs so nothing feels wasted at any point in time.

In regards to how this film is written, there is a lot of snappy dialog and quite of few one-liners, with nearly every major character having a time to shine. Some would argue that this film would've been better if only the characters played by Willis and Aiello were the only silly one with everyone else playing it straight, but when you take into account that James Coburn's character is almost a direct reference to the 'Flint' films he starred in, and how everything as a nice pep to it, I can't really imagine this film being done in a different form or fashion. Besides a lot of dialog becomes running gags that all end up having payoffs (example Aiello's character of Tommy Five-Tone asking if he missed anything is said towards the beginning of the film and at the end) so it wall connects.

One final thought here, as something did occur to me when watching Hudson Hawk today was how off the charts Sandra Bernhard's performance of Minerva Mayflower is, she comes across as a live-action Disney villain to the point where you want to see and hear more dialog from her. She basically steals the movie from the moment she struts into the auction house a fourth of the way into the film. It makes me wonder why no one tried casting her to play a lead villain after this as she could've really set a high standard for antagonists in live-action Disney-styled films.

Fitness Boxing Resulys 10/17/20

I had a hell of a good work out this morning. Later today at 2 PM EST in my discord, we'll be doing a watch along of Hudson Hawk, and at 7 PM EST it's Final Fantasy XV Comrades over on!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Nickelodeon Kart Racers (2018) Review

Recently Nickelodeon Kart Racers was featured over on my Twitch channel, and here is my general review of the 2018 game!

Fitness Boxing Resulys 10/16/20

Another solid work out, and I'll be back later of course, with tonight's feature being 'Among Us', that stream will start at 9:30 PM EST over on!


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Fitness Boxing Resulys 10/15/20

We had a good pace very similar to yesterday's session, and I'll be streaming Star Trek Online later today!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Fitness Boxing Results 10/14/20

 While not quite as on point as yesterday, had a solid 51 minute workout, and today I weighed in at about 264 pounds

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Fitness Boxing Resulys 10/13/20

We were on fire today, not a single miss punch or motion, can't think of the last time I managed that! 


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Fitness Boxing Results 10/11/20

 Today's weigh in was 264 lbs 😎

Best of the Week 10/4-10/20

 Here are the best moments from things featured on my Twitch Channel for the week of October 4 to 10, 2020. This week's content includes: Overwatch, Kingdom Hearts, Stranger Things 3 The Game, Nickelodeon Kart Racers, Star Trek Online, Twitch Sings, Fitness Boxing and Animal Crossing New Horizons!

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Quick Thoughts: Zorro The Gay Blade

Growing up, I watched a lot of movies that most people probably either never heard of or can believe that I was allowed to see as a kid. One of those movies is Zorro The Gay Blade, starring George Hamilton as the twin sons of the original Zorro, one of whom is much more flamboyant than the other, as they battle against the tyranny of Captain Esteban (played by Ron Leibman). In terms of a plot, ZTGB does fall in line with every other Zorro film of a masked vigilante fighting on behalf of the people against corrupt leaders who exploit their positions for their own game, but unlike other everything else Zorro related this movie is a comedy.

From the opening narration (done by Frank Welker) which established the connection between ZTGB and 1940's The Mark of Zorro, everything plays out as one would expect, Diego Vega is summoned to return home by his father only to learn his father had died, learns of his legacy and takes up the mantle of Zorro, while seeing his childhood friend Esteban going mad with power as the new Alcalde. On his first night out as Zorro, Diego is injured but the arrival of his twin-brother Bunny Wigglesworth (changed from Ramon Vega) allows for Zorro to remain a thorn in Eseban's side until Diego is healed up. 

Of course the name of Bunny Wigglesworth is gonna stand out... and that ties into the title, turns out their father thought Ramon wasn't man enough and sent him off to the British Navy.... and well the Navy makes men and they certainly made Bunny. While the character comes in about half way into the movie, Bunny does have sizeable impact with the first appearance being wearing a plum version of the classic Zorro attire, and apparently had several costumes made (we only see the Gold, Orange and Dark Blue on screen), and his flamboyant personality certainly leaves an impression and easily sets up my favorite scene in the film, the second costume ball. Esteban sets a trap using his wife's new necklace as bait, but apparently details for the theme of the ball was changed and all the male guests arrived dressed as Zorro, including Diego, which allows Bunny to dress in drag and go as Diego's cousin Margarita, who Esteban becomes smitten with upon seeing her setting up the little chaos that leads to the theft of the necklace in question.

Now this is a Zorro film and there is plenty of action, the first proper scene of the film sees Diego fighting off a handful of enemies, there's a one on one fight against the Alcalde's top tax collector, the first costume ball turning into a fight, Bunny's first time out as Zorro and of course the big epic brawl at climax of the film. The fencing is actually pretty good and when I think about movies that I have seen that had good sword play, the only other one that comes to mind is Robin Hood Men In Tights. Then again, sword play in movies has basically become a lost art and the closest most people have seen are the Star Wars films with the light saber duels.  When it comes to the's fine, the big bombastic theme serves nicely to open up the credits be used for fight scenes, but the romantic theme and other incidental music is kind of on the meh-side. If memory serves me right, I think it was nominated for worst film score in the 1981 Raspberry Awards, which may have been a bit harsh. 

Having watched this for the first time in a long time this week, I still enjoyed Zorro The Gay Blade for what it is, a fun film is a homage to what came before it while being unique in its own way.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Star Trek Online: Shattered Houses Content Review

This week Star Trek Online added a new mission and a new Task Force Operation as part of the Shattered Houses update, and so it's the topic of this week's commentary!

Fitness Boxing Resulys 10/9/20

 Today's results, I didn't change the settings from yesterday so this was a light workout

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)