Tonight's stream of Overwatch was interesting, with the April Fools 'Balance Overwatch Mode', along with some highly questionable teammates in standard Quick Play. Couple of matches were so bad, I checked out of it, But on the plus side were joined by PandaSweet who got a new gaming rig!
Also managed to get the voice lines of Ashe yelling 'Fred' instead of Bob, because of course I would want to use them for my stream.
Big thank you to those who re-subscribed to my Twitch channel! Greatly appreciate it!
Tomorrow night we're starting South Park Snow Day, and I learned that there is no crossplay for it. I could have sworn it was hyped with having crossplay.
For tonight's raid we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV
Had a really wonky night after last night's stream, had a hard time just sitting down and feeling all ramped up
Finished the My Hero Academia commission story just before tonight's stream, next up is a Star Wars related one