Sunday, January 28, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Overwatch was a solid five hours of action, big thanks to  Odeu and PandaSweet for joining in on chaos. Much to my surprise, I picked up one of Kiriko's achievements which shocked the check out of me. Also had a huge moment as Mauga getting three enemies trapped in his cage fight ultimate, which itself should have been an achievement. Oh well. Other characters I used tonight was Ashe, Reaper, Orisa, Brigitte and a few others

Tomorrow night we're dedicating to doing story mode runs in Skullgirls 2nd Encore.

Obviously I could have started Final Fantasy XIII tomorrow, but I did say I want to work in Skullgirls between major games on weeknights depending on when they are finished. 

For the raid we dropped in on intergalacticpants who was playing Mass Effect Andromeda 

I did sleep in ab it today, waking up around 12:30 PM, but I got various things done, most importantly Laundrey.

Watched parts 1 and 2 of Red Dwarf: Back to Earth, and it is kind of weird watch the show when episodes have cuts for commerical breaks.

Finished the WWE related story to complete a subscribestar subscription request, next is a normal commission request based on the anime / manga Fairy Tail, which might take me two days to write.

Next time I do groceries I need to make sure I pick up several boxes of shrimp, as they turn out great in the air fryer!

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Yokai: Restore 1500 health and land 5 critical hits without dying as Kiriko in Quick or Competitive Play.

Ghost of Tsushima and other notes

Tonight's stream of Ghost of Tsushima was focused on exploring the northern portion of the map, finding a lot of things before realizing...